카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
misrepresent (v.) 1640년대, "일부러든 아니든 거짓이나 부정확한 설명을 하다" 2024.02.19해당카페글 미리보기
misrepresent (v.) 1640년대, "일부러든 아니든 거짓이나 부정확한 설명을 하다"는 뜻으로, mis- (1) "나쁘게, 잘못된"과 represent 을 조합하여 만들어졌습니다. "대리인으로써 정확하게 대표하지 못하다"는 뜻은 1860년대에 생겨났습니다. 관련어로는...
에필로그 I-1 2025.02.07해당카페글 미리보기
about his trial. The criminal adhered exactly, firmly, and clearly to his statement. He did not confuse nor misrepresent the facts, nor soften them in his own interest, nor omit the smallest detail. He explained every incident of the...
Polynesian Country & Music(폴리네시아 국가& 음악) - 프랑스 령(領) 2024.11.29해당카페글 미리보기
a choreography that has been created with originality and creativity, while being mindful not to undermine or misrepresent the authenticity of Hawaiian dance. The intention is to share a unique dance routine that pays tribute to the...
Why millions of Americans avoid the news 2024.10.29해당카페글 미리보기
like politicians who are out to serve themselves. Suarez: Some news avoiders also think that news organizations misrepresent people like them. How widespread is this feeling and how does it influence audiences’ relationship with news...
왜곡된 예수의 말씀/ 곽현목사 2024.08.24해당카페글 미리보기
states, "You are..." indicating a present condition, a state of being. However, many sermons and teachings misrepresent this by saying, "We must become the light of the world and the salt of the earth," which directly contradicts what...
24-10 MN22 Simile Of the Snake Part 3(뱀의 비유경) 2024.03.29해당카페글 미리보기
we are going to be too long here. The Buddha says, though I state and assert this, certain ascetics and brahmines misrepresent me with false, hollow, lying, untruthful claims. The ascetic gautama is an exterminator. He advocates the...
사랑과 분배 - 민경은 2024.02.08해당카페글 미리보기
Thank You Gapjil is an expression of not being able to tolerate the distribution of shares I didn't even misrepresent my love for you. I also understand the expression of power over the stake. Refuse the pressure of emotional greed...
misinterpret 잘못 해석[이해]하다, 오해하다 2023.12.31해당카페글 미리보기
잘못 부르기 an absurd misnomer 유명무실 misplace (물건을) 잘못 놓다, 제자리에 두지 않다(그래서 찾지를 못하다) =mislay misrepresent 잘못 말하다, (정보를) 잘못 전하다[표현하다] falsify 문서를 조작[위조/변조]하다 prosper 번영하다, 성공하다...
1/3 God blesses those who reconcile.하나님은 화목한 곳을 축복하신다 2023.09.01해당카페글 미리보기
all the money she had, her two mites, to her temple.The coin was her entire living expenses.But many churches misrepresent this event, interpreting it too broadly.Pastors say that all of her wealth has been given to the church.They...
제 트위터 글들을 나누고 싶네요 (1) 2011.01.21해당카페글 미리보기
엡4:6) 우주만큼 도량넓고 대승적인분인데요. 오늘날 세간의 기독교에대한 몰이해와 안티의발흥은 기독교를 그릇 대표한(misrepresent) 기독교인들탓이죠. 저도포함 (태생적배타성의 교리를 안고있음에도 불구) 기독교가 외부인과 단체에대해 배타성을 띌...