카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
히말명상-93. 학대(mistreat) 2023.05.29해당카페글 미리보기
히말명상-93. 학대(mistreat) 그가 살피신다. 해 아래에서 일어나는 참상들. 그의 몸을 파먹는다. 그의 피를 흘린다. 그가 불어넣으신 생명. 생명을 해치는 것은 그를 해치는 것이다. 이익이 아니라 보존이다. 탐욕이 아니라 보호이다. 그 정신을 가져야...
2025-02-23연중 제7주일<너희 아버지께서 자비하신 것처럼 너희도 자비로운 사람이 되어라.> 2025.02.23해당카페글 미리보기
To you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. To the person who strikes you on one cheek, offer the other one as well, and from the person who takes...
Galatians - New Living Translation(NLT) 2025.02.22해당카페글 미리보기
live as I do in freedom from these things, for I have become like you Gentiles—free from those laws. You did not mistreat me when I first preached to you. 13Surely you remember that I was sick when I first brought you the Good News. 14...
연중 제7주일 복음 말씀(한*영) 2025.02.22해당카페글 미리보기
저주하는 자들에게 축복하며, 너희를 학대하는 자들을 위하여 기도하여라. bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 네 뺨을 때리는 자에게 다른 뺨을 내밀고, 네 겉옷을 가져가는 자는 속옷도 가져가게 내버려 두어라. To the...
24. 정교분리(政敎分離)의 의미 = 정치와 종교 = 중국 공산당의 기독교 탄압(중국 우한) 2025.02.18해당카페글 미리보기
ever do. 11 You stupid leaders are a pack of hungry and greedy dogs that never get enough. You are shepherds who mistreat your own sheep for selfish gain. 12 You say to each other, "Let's drink till we're drunk! Tomorrow we'll do it...
누가복음6:27-38절...2.24.mon 2025.02.19해당카페글 미리보기
you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, -28.bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. -29.If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not...
에스겔 22장 (한영/문장) 2025.02.13해당카페글 미리보기
학대하였으므로 The people of the land practice extortion and commit robbery; they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the alien, denying them justice. 30 이 땅을 위하여 성을 쌓으며 성 무너진 데를 막아 서서 나로 하여금 멸하지 못하게...
창세기 31장 31절 ~ 55절 2025.01.09해당카페글 미리보기
Mizpah, because he said," May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other. 50. If you mistreat my daughters or if you take any wives besides my daughters, even though no one is with us, rememer that God is a...
Right Faith is to Abandon the Temptation of World & Desires but Obey Truth 2025.01.04해당카페글 미리보기
show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord. When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were...
Leviticus 19 2024.12.13해당카페글 미리보기
for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD. 33 When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were...