카페검색 본문
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LNG(Liquefied Natural Gas;액화 천연 가스)와 LPG(Liquefied Petroleum Gas;액화 석유 가스) 2025.01.19해당카페글 미리보기
LNG는 도시가스로 주로 사용된다 LNG는 Liquefied Natural Gas의 약자로, 천연가스의 주성분인 메탄을 -162℃의 낮은 온도에서 냉각해 액체 상태로 만든 것 LPG는 Liquefied Petroleum Gas의 약자로 액화석유가스를 의미 LNG(액화 천연 가스)와 LPG(액화...
244 25/1/3 President-Elect Trump Pressures EU to Purchase Oil and Gas 2025.01.03해당카페글 미리보기
The leaders of both countries spoke with him to try to resolve any tensions. 6. But the European Union lacks a single figure who can make the commitments of natural gas and oil on behalf of its member states that Trump wants. I'm Ed...
BIO GAS PLANTS 2023.11.20해당카페글 미리보기
and renewable source of energy, resulting from the breakdown of organic matter. Biogas is not to be confused with ‘natural’ gas, which is a non-renewable source of power. 2. Biogas and biomass: the similarities and differences Biomass...
After the gold rush: A perspective on future U.S. natural gas supply and price 2012.02.09해당카페글 미리보기
After the gold rush: A perspective on future U.S. natural gas supply and price by Arthur E. Berman On January 23, 2012, Chesapeake Energy announced that it would curtail drilling in shale gas plays in the United States. Subsequently...
취업속보 - Sales manager - Natural Gas Technology Division 2007.07.05해당카페글 미리보기
한국테스콤(유) | www.tescom.com Sales manager - Natural Gas Technology Division EMERSON 그룹 내의 반도체 분야의 한국 지사입니다. [해당직종 : ] 근무형태 경력 학력 나이 모집인원 연봉 정규직 5~10년 대졸↑ 36세 45세 1 명 6500 ~ 7000 만원...
천연가스 웰 (Natural Gas Well ) 2008.12.26해당카페글 미리보기
수소가스 (H2S), 머르캅탄(RSH), 이산화탄소(CO2) 등을 제거하는 공정을 거치게 됩니다. 천연가스라고 하여 100% 메탄(Methane) Gas가 아닙니다. 지역에 따라 약간의 차이는 있지만 메탄(Methane) Gas : 약 85% 전후 에탄(Ethane) Gas : 약 9% 전후 프로판...
Environmental Concerns Rise in Northeastern Pennsylvania as Natural Gas Drilling Spreads 2010.01.03해당카페글 미리보기
retirement home in the rural hamlet of Dimock, Pennsylvania, in the eastern U.S. When Cabot Oil & Gas offered a lease for the natural gas under their land a few years ago, saying that it might drill a single horizontal well nearby, they...
Marathon Oil and SK Corp. find natural gas field in Africa 2004.09.28해당카페글 미리보기
Marathon Oil and SK Corp. find natural gas field in Africa 마라톤오일과 SK㈜, 아프리카서 천연가스 유정 발굴 Marathon Oil Corp., the fourth-largest U.S. oil company, and SK Corp., Korea`s biggest oil refiner, have discovered natural gas...
The Future of Natural Gas, Part I 2015.08.24해당카페글 미리보기
51 The Future of Natural Gas, Part I by DR. KENT MOORS | published AUGUST 18TH, 2015 On Thursday morning, I’ll be delivering my major address on the future of natural gas. The occasion is a high-powered meeting hosted by Dominion...
Canadian natural gas exports will continue to drop in coming years, study says 2016.07.07해당카페글 미리보기
Canadian natural gas exports will continue to drop in coming years, study says A new report says Canada’s natural gas exports will continue to decline over the next few years with no sign of a return to the highs of the past decade. The...