카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
search nook and cranny 샅샅이 찾다[뒤지다] 2018.06.20해당카페글 미리보기
every nook and cranny (어떤 장소의)구석구석, (상황의)모든 측면 *nook (아늑하고 조요한)곳[구석] cranny (벽에 난 아주 작은)구멍[틈] moron 바보천치, 멍청이 tryouts (추후 사용할지를 결정하기 위해)사용해 보기 crumple 구기다, 구겨지다 dabble...
우리말을 찾습니다. stove와 Every Nook and Cranny 2008.12.06해당카페글 미리보기
80년대쯤이에요. 화덕이라기엔 너무 안 어울리죠. 그냥 스토브로 쓴 책도 많던데 좀 무책임한 듯해서.. 그리고 Every Nook and Cranny, 구석구석이라는 뜻은 알겠는데 이게 소제목이거든요, 비슷한 뜻의 순우리말은 없을까요? 우리말 편지에 물어볼까나...
정상욱_20180501_Introducing Google Nose(My wife and ~every nook and cranny.)_복습 2018.05.01해당카페글 미리보기
정상욱_20180501_Introducing Google Nose(My wife and ~every nook and cranny.)_복습.mp3
참父母經 / Chambumo Gyeong - 542. 절대시해야 할 훈독회 전통 2024.12.01해당카페글 미리보기
and that means it will be possible to globalize the Blessing. Such an amazing future lies before us. In every nook and cranny, you need to organize the small units, blocks and neighborhoods, and those in charge of them should shoulder...
영계 메시지 - 076 - 부리감영 - 그릇된 관념을 깨끗이 청산하고 새 진리를 중심하고 새롭게 태어나겠다 2024.06.30해당카페글 미리보기
confession to you. What is the use of me worrying about something of you have already shown us every nook and cranny? I will pass over the past, consoling myself that I joined God's world and that I will start anew. I am sure that the...
[윤희영의 News English] 北 김정은 위협 ‘너구리 눈’ 장마당 세대 2024.04.30해당카페글 미리보기
of information). 500여 개 장마당을 통해 ‘남조선 문화’가 스멀스멀 구석구석까지 배어들고 있다(seep into every nook and cranny). 밤새 한국 드라마 몰래 보느라 쾡해진 ‘너구리 눈’이라는 은어(slang term)가 공공연히 통한다. “일주일 중 엿새...
성경 번역인 2024.04.22해당카페글 미리보기
and could not shine to the dark places. However, the light of Jesus is like the sun and shines on every nook and cranny in Japan, the whole world, and the earth from this end to that”. After reading the 한문 성서(Chinese Bible), Yi...
2023년 잉글랜드 '최고의 작은 호텔'로 선정된 1등급 문화재 애스컴 홀 호텔 2024.01.01해당카페글 미리보기
ground-floor guest lounges. Each room was regally lavish, big enough to house a small zoo - and I sensed that every nook and cranny had a story to tell. This is a property that oozes history. It lies above the river Lowther in the Eamont...
How to find hidden cameras in hotels and house rentals 2024.01.24해당카페글 미리보기
you are really exhausted,” he said. “The last thing you want to do is spend ... one hour scrutinizing every nook and cranny just to locate a camera.” Social media posts about hidden cameras have increased nearly 400% in the past two...
天聖經(增) - 130. 참사랑은 평화와 행복의 원천 / 真の愛は平和と幸福の源泉 / True love is the origin 2023.12.15해당카페글 미리보기
while focused on love, there is no door through which you cannot pass. You can pass through every nook and cranny of the world. True love can manage and govern the world. (123-135, 1982.12.26) 59 True love naturally upholds the proper...