카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
[영화 대본] ‘Remo Williams: The Adventure begins(‘륌.오우 ’윌.이.엄즈, 1985)‘ 결말 부분 2024.09.22해당카페글 미리보기
and give me radio silence and some map coordinates! Yes, sir! Coming right up, sir! You are proceeding in a northerly direction. Not us, you jackass! The target! Yes, sir! Foxtrot-4-6-4-Zulu... 5-0-5. Heading toward the lake. Stop! All...
Roger Waters - The Last Refugee 2024.04.02해당카페글 미리보기
At the third stroke it will be 8:57, precisely" "In north southwesterly, 4 or 5, otherwise variable rainfall, mainly northerly in the southeast" "A happy new year to you all" "At the third stroke, it will be 11:25, precisely" "Goodnight...
- 백미돔 Tripletail 2023.09.12해당카페글 미리보기
occur in coastal waters and enter muddy estuaries, commonly in depths of up to 20 feet. There is some suggestion of a northerly and inshore migration into warm waters in the spring and the summer. 2 통명 - 영어; Atlantic tripletail...
RE:천리포수목원 28의5 목련축제 2023.04.16해당카페글 미리보기
The species is native throughout most of temperate Europe and western Asia, and although absent from more northerly areas including much of northwest Scotland, it reappears in northernmost Sutherland and Orkney and in Scandinavia. This...
다음주부터 추워집니다 다들 조심하세요 (작년 2월 이후 가장 추운 날씨 예상) 2022.12.17해당카페글 미리보기
We may wake up in the 50s Thursday morning, but by late Thursday afternoon, temperatures drop below freezing as northerly winds gust between 30-40 miles per hour. Friday morning, it is likely that our entire area experiences its first...
5박6일 I Love Tokyo ♪ 2010.01.30해당카페글 미리보기
이것 역시 우리 오빠 선물! 그레이 후드티 안에 입고 겉에 입었는데 완전 잘 어울렸어요) 핑크 속옷 세트 하라주쿠 northerly 945엔 (★ 사고싶은게 너무 많았는데 꾹꾹 참고 제일 맘에 드는거 딱 1개만 사왔어요 직원분이 줄자 들고선 막 사이즈 재준다고...
재피케이터 - 음식정화장치 활용 2012.03.04해당카페글 미리보기
viruses and parasite eggs can’t be detected afterwards. Were their growing points disabled by being turned northerly? This could be temporary, if it is reversible, but still useful. Benzene gets oxidized to phenol, at least at trace...
Re:이상한 문위치 그리고 조수 1 (잠깐 짬내서 번역을 좀 해 봤습니다.^^) 2011.02.22해당카페글 미리보기
위로 달이 지는 위치가 변화하고 있고 움직인다는 사실을 인정한다. Last night it was southerly, then westerly, than northerly. I woke up in the middle of the night with the most illumination from a moon then I ever remember. 어젯 밤 달은...
아프리카 탄자니아에 우물짓기 사업 이렇게 진행되고 있습니다. 2010.11.09해당카페글 미리보기
to augment the supply . 4.0 PHYSIOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE PATTERN 4.1 Physiography Mahaka village is placed on the northerly sloping land of Bahi swamp and South West of Kilimatinde Escarpment. High grounds – Nyambaru hills and Kilimatinde...
2012년 ! 초대형블록버스터! " 태풍 & 샌디 ! " 2012.10.30해당카페글 미리보기
Lake Ontario. This storm will behave more like a large fall storm than a hurricane once it has moved inland, and the northerly wind blowing down the length of Lake Huron coupled with colder air on the backside of the storm means that...