카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Re: 심부전 한약탐구 2024 nature RCT 논문 2025.02.21해당카페글 미리보기
effects of these treatment approaches. It is noteworthy that the overall rate of death from any cause was numerically lower for patients who received QLQX than for those who received placebo, although this trend was not statistically...
LRASM과 중국 해군 구축함대간의 워게임 결과와 그 의미 2025.02.10해당카페글 미리보기
Furthermore, the US Department of Defense’s 2024 China Military Power Report states that the PLA Navy (PLA-N) is numerically the world’s largest navy, with 370 ships and 140 major surface combatants. Such formidable shipbuilding...
Re: 오십견 탐구 - 초음파, 오구상완인대 약침으로 유착떼기 치료 효과... 2024.10.17해당카페글 미리보기
generally maintained throughout the consequent procedures. The total change at the end of the interventions was numerically higher than the change with the 1st US-FHR, which may support the idea that repeated US-FHR, or the combination...
#3309 나는 누구인가? - 金(김 : 금)은 后天(후천) 金 (Kim: Geum) is 后天 (latitude) 2024.10.11해당카페글 미리보기
and thus refers to a new era. Physically, water and fire represent the yin and yang of all things. Therefore, numerically, one is water and two is fire. Hanul is yang and one water, but in reality, the earth is two yin, but two is fire...
Re: 세로토닌 --> 도파민 방출 자극.. 과잉되면 흥분성 증가, 자율신경 장애, 불안초조 등 2024.07.29해당카페글 미리보기
in Katayama and Kawato (1993) (as shown in this study for more details on the arm equations) (Figure 2). We numerically integrated the dynamical arm equations using a Runge-Kutta fourth-order method with an integration step set to 0.01...
그랜오브 이말테리어에 관하여 2024.07.28해당카페글 미리보기
also points this way for the valiant Wicklow dog, despite this the working enthusiasts of the Glen of Imaal are numerically more than the former three breeds. So then the reader should seek out the person who still works this terrier and...
러시아가 우크라인에게 원 햇던것은... 2024.06.30해당카페글 미리보기
can hardly be seen as an affront to “Ukraine’s national identity.” With NATO states having sided with the numerically small but politically influential ultra-nationalist movement inside Ukraine – including the Azov battalion, which...
3분기 전반적인 시스템 개선 제안 2024.06.05해당카페글 미리보기
can be used to increase the special weapon characteristics of the character. It does not necessarily have to be numerically inflated, and it can also increase certain gameplay. We all think that the imprint system can make a qualitative...
하프 모의고사2 6월 Day23 4번 질문 2024.06.12해당카페글 미리보기
숫자로 추산하기 어려운 것은 당연하다 It is understandable that it is difficult to gauge the positive effects numerically. 이 문장 맞는 문장이라고 하셨는데 당연한,마땅한 같은 이성적 판단의 형용사는 that절에 should+RV 구조로 is가 아니라 be...
탄소 리스크의 영향과 포트폴리오 탄소중립의 중요성 3 2024.02.26해당카페글 미리보기
의 제약조건을 만족하면서 식(27)의 목적함수를 최소화하는 최적화 문제를 수치적인 방법을 이용한 근사해를 산출하였고(numerically approximate solution), 이를 최적화 방법을 활용한 저탄소 포트폴리오의 최적 비중으로 정의한다. 전술한 최적화 모형...