카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Re: phytoestrogen .. 에스트로겐 대체 치료 2001 jama review 2025.02.12해당카페글 미리보기
was the only isoflavonoid with potent estrogen agonist and cell growth inhibitory actions over a physiologically obtainable concentration range. The growth-inhibitory action of genestein was distinctly different from those of tamoxifen...
Re: 타우린 당뇨, 고혈압, 고지혈증에 효과!! 2024년 RCT nature 논문 2024.10.02해당카페글 미리보기
participant characteristics, is crucial for generating robust evidence. As taurine is an inexpensive and easily obtainable supplement, further research can fill knowledge gaps, supporting clinical guidelines on its use as a nutraceutical...
108 자재어, 108 adages of wisdom 1, 1-15 2024.04.29해당카페글 미리보기
점검 하여라. When you wish for something, ask yourself these four questions: Is it needed? Is it wanted? Is it obtainable? Is it advisable? When you wish for something ; 어떤 것을 원할 때 ask yourself these four questions ; 네 가지 마음...
(교재 p.174) be동사 + 형용사(보어) + 전치사 형태의 숙어 2024.03.27해당카페글 미리보기
removed from its original packaging is more _______ to changes in the environment. (A) concealed (B) alarming (C) obtainable (D) vulnerable be absent from ~에결석하다 be acquainted with ~에 익숙하다 be appreciative of = appreciate ~에...
칼 라이히 예방 대체의학자 (영양학적 약의 선구자) 2024.02.29해당카페글 미리보기
therapies were applied to approximately 20,000 patients, the beneficial results of which far exceeded those obtainable by orthodox patient management. Significantly, this evaluation process was accomplished without a single patient...
[고급 영어 독해 및 듣기 연습] News Literacy Lesson 2: Verification, Independence, 2023.02.24해당카페글 미리보기
for the reporting. News organizations should be clearly identified and journalists’ contact information, easily obtainable. But most importantly, any news organization or journalist should be prepared to admit errors when they’ve been...
ARABIAN국가들 2023.05.18해당카페글 미리보기
4. Invitation Letter by Saudi sponsor - attested by Saudi Chamber of Commerce and Industries *The format is obtainable from Saudi Chamber of Commerce and Industries Or Reference Note(visa permission number and its issue date must be...
(4강) 아내의 원망 2023.05.11해당카페글 미리보기
sin with his lips. (Job 2:7-10 KJV) (Sermon) Christians would, in general, cognize the grace of God with something obtainable and possessive, believing that it is a blessing to increase possession by obtaining, while disregarding that...
현재 4학년 여시들 상태.jpg 2015.05.06해당카페글 미리보기
A wild guess. 이 실험결과를 통계학적 관점에 따라 해석해 보면 = 적당히 때려맞춰 보면. ▶A CAREFUL ANALYSIS OF OBTAINABLE DATA = Three pages of notes were obliterated when I knocked over a glass of beer. 데이터 중에서 입수 가능한 것들을...
밑에 글을 읽고도 궁금증이 해소되지 않은 분이라면 좀 더 세심한 설명입니다. 2006.05.16해당카페글 미리보기
All V8s of the second series are generally long lived: More than several hundreds of thousands of kilometers are obtainable without problems. The 560 is interesting because of it's very high standard equipment level. Performance wise...