카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
<롤핑자세연구소> 12월 [ FI2 신경가동술과 신경혈관근막 이완요법 ] 세미나 안내 2024.11.11해당카페글 미리보기
axillary nerve, SLR, tibial nerve, peroneal nerve, sural nerve, femoral nerve …. 2. Suboccipital area -Greater, Lessor Occipital Nerve - 두통 3. Brachial Plexus-Superior to Clavicle & Inferior Clavicle - 팔저림 4. Suprascapular Nerve...
Occipital neuralagia ...(퍼온자료 ..) 2014.04.28해당카페글 미리보기
to the neuralgia. This condition is also sometimes characterized with diminished sensation in the affected area as well. 원인 Occipital neuralgia is caused by damage to these nerves. Ways in which they can be damaged include trauma...
수은 중독 해독차 - 2019년 영향력지수 7점 논문 . 읽어야.... 2023.09.07해당카페글 미리보기
Zn++ levels were in the minority. Hair samples close to the scalp were taken from all subjects (0.25 g from the occipital area) to measure a plethora of heavy metals/oligoelements by ICP-MS (Doctor’s Data, USA). Doctor’s Data is a...
Re: gluten ataxia - 글루텐 운동실조... 2024년 2025.01.20해당카페글 미리보기
were foci of loss of ependymal lining cells and proliferation of the subependymal astrocytes. The occipital lobe of Case 2 displayed a perivascular area of white matter with pallor. No other abnormalities were observed in the rest of the...
코로나 후유장애로 인한 자율신경 실조증 2023 nature 2025.01.13해당카페글 미리보기
sectional area of the vagus nerve was enlarged on ultrasound scans; this finding requires confirmation in larger positive control populations but this approach may constitute an interesting alternative to investigate these patients. In...
4월 FI2 말초신경을 이용한 도수치료 세미나 일정 및 신청안내 2023.03.25해당카페글 미리보기
1 주차 강의 내용 : 4월 29, 30 토요일 PM 18:00 ~ PM 21:30 /일요일 AM 09:30 ~ PM 17:30 1. Suboccipital area1-Greater, Lessor Occipital Nerve 2. Brachial Plexus-Superior to Clavicle & Inferior Clavicle 3. Suprascapular Nerve 4. Radial Nerve...
Re: 60조개 세포의 수명탐구 2005년 cell 2024.09.24해당카페글 미리보기
in animals under physiological conditions has been reported from this area (Kaplan, 1981). Our analysis revealed that neurons from the adult human occipital cortex have 14C levels in their genomic DNA corresponding to the time when the...
뇌전도(뇌파) 읽는 법- How to Read an EEG 2018.09.27해당카페글 미리보기
the forehead and the nose), the inion (ridge that can be felt in the middle of the back of the skull, over the occipital area), and the preauricular points on both sides of the head (indentations above the outer part of the ear openings...
Facial Nerve Paralysis 2014.12.17해당카페글 미리보기
nerve and characterized by severe facial palsy and vesicular eruption in the pharynx, external ear canal, tongue, and occipital area. Deafness, tinnitus, and vertigo may be present. Time of intervention: As soon as the patient reaches...
저희 아이의 뇌파검사결과입니다.. 해석 좀 부탁드릴께요. 2009.10.14해당카페글 미리보기
areas, such as 02,01,F3,Fp1,Fp2,P3,C4 and C3 areas, frequent high voltage sharp or polyspike discharges on both occipital area, frequent GSW,GSSW and generalized polyspike and wave dischareds and frequent runs of FIRDA on both frontal...