카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
금주의 월드 보도사진: 연대 마스코트 염소, 순록 달리기, 오렌지 싸움 2025.03.08해당카페글 미리보기
from opposing teams, the Up'ards and the Down'ards, fight for the ball during the annual Royal Shrovetide Football Match in Ashbourne, England, on March 4, 2025. The mass-participation ball game involves two teams, whose players are...
검찰총장 "윤석열 석방하라" 지시…일선 수사팀 '반발'로 공전 중Prosecutor General's Order to Release Y 2025.03.08해당카페글 미리보기
The team noted the criminal procedure code calls for keeping the president in custody during the seven days permitted to the prosecution to appeal a court decision, but that in the case of suspending an arrest, the Constitutional Court...
opposing 과 oppsition 차이는 문맥으로? 2004.04.30해당카페글 미리보기
의 뿌리이다 (의미화 안됨!!! ㅡㅡ;;) 첫째는 해석의 의미화가 안됩니다. 둘째는 opposition 말고 opposing 는 안됩니까? 3. whichever team has the highest points at the end of the game will be declared the winner and treated to an evening out...
LRASM과 중국 해군 구축함대간의 워게임 결과와 그 의미 2025.02.10해당카페글 미리보기
Chinese team’s claims difficult to verify independently. The Chinese simulation’s choice of using stealthy cruise missiles over hypersonic weapons may reflect the advantages the former has over the latter and the fact that the US has...
After the Apocalypse, Will We Decamp to a Suburb or a High-Rise? 2025.03.10해당카페글 미리보기
find opposing answers to a question that seems increasingly relevant in a warming world: If the planet goes to hell and humanity heads to a bunker, what sort of neighborhood will we build inside it? A spacious holdout that tries to...
Always remember, this Deobi loves you - daily reminder #527[332] 2023.08.16해당카페글 미리보기
Korea in the Wales section and getting into an argument, because we were told we're not allowed to cheer for the opposing team. Thankfully, the same day, I received an email from the ticketing company saying that they exchanged our seats...
전투기로 헬리콥터를 잡을 때의 난관; 찾기가 어렵고, 록온 유지도 어려움 2024.12.12해당카페글 미리보기
Phantoms opposing two Huey Cobras. When the helo pilots realized they’d been spotted, they flew in a defensive orbiting laager, 180 degrees out of phase with one another. If the fighters rolled in to attack using a low dive angle, they...
디펜딩 아메리카 (미국 국방) 11월 20일 육, 해, 공 미군의 배치 및 훈련 2024.11.22해당카페글 미리보기
to Bravo “Bad Bet” Company, Second Battalion, 12th Regiment, First Armored Brigade Combat Team, First Cavalry Division, simulates firing upon opposing forces while conducting Table Six qualifications at the Bemowo Piskie Training Area...
25.1.23 'My country is in crisis': A divided South Korea 2025.01.17해당카페글 미리보기
security team could also be arrested if they tried to block Yoon's arrest again. 이번에도 윤 대통령의 체포를 막으려 하면 대통령 경호팀도 체포될 수 있다는 CIO의 경고에 따른 대대적인 작전이었다. Unlike last time, the CIO and police were...
239 24/12/28 President Biden to Meet Pope Francis in January 2024.12.29해당카페글 미리보기
making them disagree or have opposing viewpoints on a matter. ex) "The new company policy is likely to put employees at...His differing opinions on the project put him at odds with the rest of the team."] [communion: the service of...