카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
사무엘하 13장 (한영/문장) 2025.01.03해당카페글 미리보기
이런 옷으로 단장하는 법이라 So his servant put her out and bolted the door after her. She was wearing a richly ornamented robe, for this was the kind of garment the virgin daughters of the king wore. 19 다말이 재를 자기의 머리에 덮어쓰고...
Test1-12. The Cat and the Dog(+한국어 hint) 2024.11.08해당카페글 미리보기
stood attendants in _____ robes. (화려한) They passed through the gate and along a wide path flanked with richly ornamented buildings, more beautiful than the old man had ever seen. At last they came to an _____ more splendid than all...
05. The Descendants of Corrupted Language! 2024.10.03해당카페글 미리보기
Cain’s seventh-generation descendant ‘Lamech’ means “strong one,” Lamech’s wife ‘Adah’ means “ornamented one,” and Lamech’s other wife ‘Zillah’ means “tinkling one.” These names reflect the violence and pursuit of secular...
Genesis 창세기 37장 2024.07.30해당카페글 미리보기
Joseph mor than any of his other sons, because he had been bnorn tp him in his old age. amnd he made a richly ornamented robe for him.요셉은 노년에 얻은 아들이므로 이스라엘이 여러 아들들보다 그를 더 사랑하므로 그를 위하여 채색옷을...
[레 미제라블_Volume 1_BOOK 5_Chap 11, 12_3월 13일(수) 2024.03.13해당카페글 미리보기
set close to each other and running up to the shoulder; and a pair of trousers of a lighter shade of olive, ornamented on the two seams with an indefinite, but always uneven, number of lines, varying from one to eleven-a limit which was...
J. S. 바흐 / 코랄 전주곡 "주 예수여 당신을 소리쳐 부르나이다" - 알브레히트 마이어(오보에) 바이탈 줄리안 프레이(하프시코드) 2024.02.07해당카페글 미리보기
originally written for the organ. Albrecht Mayer here plays the melody on oboe d’amore, filling the slow-moving, ornamented phrases with warmth and serenity. Harpsichordist Vital Julian Frey, meanwhile, provides sublime harmonies in the...
해당카페글 미리보기
23/11/24 성 안드레아 둥락 사제와 동료 순교자들 기념일(Memorial of Saint Andrew Dung-Lac, Pries 2023.11.24해당카페글 미리보기
the dedication of the altar and joyfully offered burnt offerings and sacrifices of deliverance and praise. They ornamented the facade of the temple with gold crowns and shields; they repaired the gates and the priests' chambers and...
Fun Cute Hand Drawn 2023.11.26해당카페글 미리보기
Handdrawn Ornamented Alphabet Pack by Haidi Shabrina (Black Alphabet).ai 1.16MB
창세기 45장 2-5절‘하나님의 계획‘ 2023.10.15 2023.10.11해당카페글 미리보기
아버지가 요셉에게만 채색옷을 , 화려한 옷을, 다른 성경에서는 장신구가 달린 옷을 지어 주었습 니다. ‘richly ornamented robe’ 리칠리 올너먼티드 로브 1. 호화롭게 화려하게 2. 장식된 3. 예복(cloth가 아님) 아버지가 동생에게만 샤넬백을 사줘요...