카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
ECFA 가입의 허구성 2013.06.19해당카페글 미리보기
that includes recognition of property and equipment as assets, depreciation as expense, and debt, other than trade payables and ordinary accruals, as liabilities.(1) Applicants with annual revenue of less than $1 million for the most...
아스날은 팬들 돈을 뜯어가는데도 왜 돈을 안쓸까?- 아스날 팬들의 잘못된 착각, 재정보고서 2016.08.18해당카페글 미리보기
for the constraints on the cash:- – Mortgage/ Bond collateral requirement (저당이자 채무상환) £32m – Short term payables (net of receivables) (선수들 주급) £191.9m + Overdraft facility (돈을 땡겨 쓰는거 = 즉 은행한테 빌린돈. 아스날이...
13시간에 걸쳐 작성한 문서 2007.05.19해당카페글 미리보기
Accounts payabeles and notes pauables) Short-term borrowings 329,000 Advances form customers 210,000 Non-trade payables 110,000 Accrued expenses 84,400 Deferred income tax liabilities 210,000 Long-term liabilities 1,539,000 Bonds payable...
[BMW코리아] BMW그룹 코리아 직원 모집 (~4/9) 2011.03.29해당카페글 미리보기
모집부문 Junior Accountant - Temporary Job Description. - Account Receivables invoices to dealers. - Account payables (PO Posting). - Expense claims for all employees. - Support VAT return. - Document filing. Qualifications - Major in...
협회 정관 - 영어본 2012.05.31해당카페글 미리보기
to the competent authorities within two (2) months after the end of every fiscal year. Article 26. Underwriting of payables out of budget, etc. Any underwriting of payables out of budget or waiver of receivables shall be passed at the...
ESSEC Business School 2006.07.15해당카페글 미리보기
E. Le recouvrement des frais de scolarité s’effectue mensuellement ou en trois versements sensiblement égaux et payables d’avance au début de chaque trimestre. 입학비 지불조절은 1달 또는 3차에걸쳐서 매달초에 납부 실시한다. Autres...
[세계1위 SCM전문기업 JDA Software - Accounting Specialist (회계,재무) 경력사원모집] 2011.01.11해당카페글 미리보기
Base Salary: KRW 28,600,000 + 6% Target bonus 담당업무 Individual will share responsibility for Korea and Taiwan payables and general ledger coding, inputting invoices to payable system and making payments. General accounting including...
영문 회계용어 아시는분 댓글 부탁드려요. 2015.03.17해당카페글 미리보기
ㅠㅠ 해외투자법인 젤루 귀찮으다.....ㅠㅠ 1. current assets 2. current receivables 3. deferred expenses 4. tax payables and subsidies 5. sales of own products and sercvices 6. change in inventories of own production 7. own work...
자격증/수험서/프로그래밍/DB/웹디자인/오피스/OS/그래픽/...IT관련 다양한 책 70여권 팝니다.(사진유) 2009.08.12해당카페글 미리보기
가 : 35,000 원 판매가 : 16,000 원 판매자(dkfk2057)님의 책상태 설명 - 1/3정도 줄쳤고 위에 이름써져 있음 제 목 : Oracle Payables (User Guide, Volume 1 Release 11i) ISBN : 저 자 : oracle 출판사 : ORACLE 재고:29 권 정 가 : 10 원 판매가 : 10...
시노베이트 리미티드 한국지점 - (외국계)Accountant-사원/대리급 2007.06.08해당카페글 미리보기
Payroll, Month end closing, Year end closing Accountant (사원급) Monthly Revenue/ Monthly Expense Account Payables, Treasury, Part time employees'' payment, Month end closing, Year end closing - 원서 마감후 1차(서류) 합격자에 한하여 개별...