카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
[영화 대본] ‘Amazon Bullseye(암.아.존 과녁 한 가운데, 2024)’ 결말 부분 2025.02.09해당카페글 미리보기
a pervert. He went to the police station to explain himself, and met grandma there. She was a policewoman! No, no, you keep getting it wrong! Youre so clueless! - She wasnt? - Of course not! - Who could she be? - What am I? An...
외어두면 좋을만한 영어 표현들 2023.10.01해당카페글 미리보기
That boy is mine. He is on my list. 83. 쟤는 날나리야... He is a player. 84. 그는 앞뒤가 꽉 막혔어. He is so stubborn. 85. 내 입장이 정말 난처해. My position is very uncomfortable. 86. 그 사람은 건방지게 굴어 He acts like he's all that...
How to Make a Good first Impression (주제: 좋은 첫인상을 만드는방법) 2010.08.18해당카페글 미리보기
h. Who do you think has many boys to just keep in touch with in Studye? ( ) i. Who do you think is a pervert in Study(girl and boy please)? ( / ) j. Who do you think is naive or pure in Study? ( ) k. Who do you think is the most fun girl...
이거 번역좀 해주세요!!!!!!!!!!ㅠㅠ 급한거예요!!!!!!!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 2008.08.17해당카페글 미리보기
cute and kind with good manners in korea? xD I'm not those things xD Better not to be my girlfriend x) I'm pervert ! (like every boy I know but I'm more ! è_é ) Yeaaah mouhaha have a cam $_$ ..xD c'mon i'm not so cool xD anyway, thank...
Love actually 영화 대사 MP3파일과 대본 2006.03.24해당카페글 미리보기
a pervert. But I very much like the look of you. Annie: This is Pat. PM: Hello, Pat. Pat: Good morning, sir. I'm the housekeeper. PM: Oh, right. I should be a lot easier with me than with the last lot. No nappies, no teenagers, no scary...
Re:은비야............. 2006.11.16해당카페글 미리보기
That boy is mine. He is on my list. 61. 내 입장이 정말 난처해. My position is very uncomfortable. 62. 그녀는 마음을 잘 주지 않고 튕겨. She's playing hard to get 63. 그는 뒤로 호박씨 깐다. He does something in people's back 64. 야...
[해외반응] '아름다운 그대에게' 3화 - 점점 중독성이 짙어지는 드라마! 2012.08.23해당카페글 미리보기
a boy OR a girl. it’s their own privacy but i also blame jae hee cos she’s an idiot who doesn’t know how to close curtains when changing. i’m kinda glad that SOMEONE other than the doc knows that she’s actually a girl but i’m not...
생활 영어표현 426가지 2010.11.16해당카페글 미리보기
That boy (girl) is mine. He (She) is on my list. 85. 쟤는 날라리야. He's a player (with the girls). 86. 그는 앞뒤가 꽉 막혔어. He is so stubborn. 87. 내 입장이 정말 난처해. My position is very uncomfortable. 88. 그 사람은 건방지게 굴어...
영어 잡설 및 나의 영어 공부방법 : 리딩 / 발음 / 강세 (上) 2021.06.11해당카페글 미리보기
boy : boy에 강세 있음 ○ 두 단어가 조합된 ‘복합명사’ 형태 - 의미의 차이를 주기 위해 강세가 처음으로 이동함 - (예) greenhouse (온실) : green에 강세 있음 (9) 3음절 이상 단어 / 접미사에 따른 강세 변화 ○ 접미사가 ‘i’를 가지고 있는 경우...
11월 06일 일요일 3시 초중급 영어회화 스터디 참여공지 및 토픽입니다 2011.10.30해당카페글 미리보기
place? (pervert? Or just only for fun?) 5. Have you ever been taken secretly by someone? If so, how did you feel at that moment? 6. Have you seen someone taking pictures for someone else secretly? What did you do at that time? 7. How do...