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카페글 본문
[Today's Expression] Play hard to get 2023.07.01해당카페글 미리보기
먹고 커지는게 젤 부럼...ㅠㅠ) 이처럼 땅에서 튕기는 것도 있지만 상대방에게 밀당을 하며 튕기는 경우를 영어로는 'play hard to get'이라고 합니다. I don't know why she is playing hard to get. 나는 그녀가 왜 튕기는지 모르겠어. You don't know...
Play out 2024.11.29해당카페글 미리보기
일이 벌어지는 볼 때 사용) 지켜보다 ** play it by ear : 그때그때 상황에 맞춰 대처하다. ** play it cool : 침착하고 냉정하게 행동하다 ** play hard to get : 비싸게 굴다, 애타게 하다, 밀당하다 [Desperate Housewives Season 6/ Episode 23...
You worked so hard, please eat and rest to your heart’s content 2025.01.20해당카페글 미리보기
all, thank you for music that will stay with us in hard days, tired days, and joyful ones. I hope you eat all of your favorite things, sleep to your fullest need, get to play with hyungs, hug your family, and feel the love of all who...
elvis play blue christmas 2024.11.29해당카페글 미리보기
so hard for me to play it. but if there is a will, there is a way🙂↕️🤝 but nah i was totally losing it when i was trying to learn it😭🙏 kevin try to learn the harmonica next☝️🙂↕️ my little sister can play the piano, i mean she has her own...
I play for you - Tomas Nevergreen 2023.08.09해당카페글 미리보기
to someone else I showed my cards and you played so hard to get. Now I take my chances Cuz what had I to lose, if I can't have you For right or wrong, girl this here song I play for you No rhyme or reason, and no why you broke the rules...
play hard to-get. 2011.06.15해당카페글 미리보기
밀고 당기기를 하다, 비싸게 굴다---> play hard - to - get A : I told Mike not to call me. 마이크한테 전화하지 말라고 했어. B : Why do you play hard - to - get? 너 왜 그렇게 비싸게 굴어? 0615 Play hard to get.mp3
일부러 관심없는 체하다. - play hard to get 2010.03.05해당카페글 미리보기
play hard to get 일부러 관심없는 체하다. A : I thought it was a great first date. I wonder why she hasn't called me back yet. B : She's probably just playing hard to get. Just give it a little more time. A : 첫번째 데이트는 아주 괜찮았던...
[영화 대본] ‘Play Misty for Me(저에게 ’안개‘를 틀어 주세요,1971)’ 결말 부분 6.9/10 2024.08.11해당카페글 미리보기
as? Play Misty for me? Very good. - You sure I'm not keeping you up? - Don't you like me? You're a very nice girl. But...girls? No, I like them. I'm kind of hung up on one. And you don't want to complicate your life. - That's exactly...
Don't play hard to get 2022.11.10해당카페글 미리보기
asked you out. Did you say yes? B: Well... I told him I needed some time to think. A: Don't play hard to get. I know you have a crush on him. B: I didn't mean to. I'm just not ready. A: 해리가 네게 데이트 신청을 했다고 들었어. 너 수락...
play hard to get 밀당하다,비싸게 굴다 2020.09.02해당카페글 미리보기
play hard to get 밀당하다,비싸게 굴다 남녀 사이에 벌어지는 미묘한 심리 싸움을 밀고 당기는 줄다리기에 비유해 흔히 '밀당'이라고 하는데 이를 영어로 표현하려면 push'(밀다) pull( 당기다)과 같은 단어가 필요할까? 사실 그렇지 않다,' 얻기 어렵게...