카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
노화의 지표들... 영향력지수 45 Cell 2025.01.14해당카페글 미리보기
same cell. However, deep-sequencing of aged cells revealed that their mtDNA mutational load may substantially increase through clonal expansion events.97 The accelerated expansion of mitochondrial mutations with age has also been...
에어컨장비저울 2024.04.25해당카페글 미리보기
작동잘되는듯 누루면 잘 작동하는뎅--- 대표사진 삭제 LOAD CELL 대표사진 삭제 모델파악 어려움 대표사진 삭제 SINGLE POINT LOAD CELL GB02 50KG 대표사진 삭제 SINGLE POINT LOAD CELL GB02 제원 에어컨장비 로드셀 알아보는데 이게 정말 어렵군요 대표...
Re: gluten ataxia - 글루텐 운동실조... 2024년 2025.01.20해당카페글 미리보기
the point of having to use a wheelchair. In addition, he had evidence of an irregular tremor of his arms and head suggestive of myoclonus. Initial investigations showed IgA deficiency. He was positive for IgG anti-gliadin antibodies...
과민성 장증후군 탐구중!! 2024.12.17해당카페글 미리보기
this point that the immune system directs the development of tolerance against the specific epitope encountered to prevent unnecessary immune responses; however, in situations of homeostatic interruption, tolerance may be replaced by the...
무릎, 고관절 관절염 jama 2020년 논문 2024.10.29해당카페글 미리보기
shifts load laterally leading to lateral compartment OA. These abnormalities in alignment are risk factors for OA incidence and, more importantly, for OA progression.16,17 Excessive loading of bone may result in bone marrow lesions, seen...