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카페글 본문
trend post truth 2024.09.16해당카페글 미리보기
Post-Truth of Postmodernity Cultural Habitus of Art: The Aletheia of Self-Identification Versus the Post-Truth of Postmodernity Maryna Protas, Natalia Bulavina Is Truth to Post-Truth what Modernism Is to Postmodernism? Heidegger, the...
post truth habermas metamodern 2024.09.03해당카페글 미리보기
https://studenttheses.universiteitleiden.nl/access/item%3A2605419/view Introduction Post-truth – another fork in modernity’s path Kjetil Rommetvei https://www.ideopol.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/1-2024-Full-issue.pdf http...
Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics Populism, Disinformation and the P 2024.09.16해당카페글 미리보기
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-13694-8_2 Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics Populism, Disinformation and the Public Sphere https://studenttheses.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/20.500.12932/34010...
포스트 트루스(post- truth)/강영안 2024.05.10해당카페글 미리보기
포스트트루스 (Post-truth) · 이 글은 한국기독교100주년기념관에서 2019년 7월 11일(목요일) 오후 7시 30분부터 9시 반까지 웹진 <좋은나무> 1주년 기념강연회에서 강영안 교수님(미국 칼빈신학교)께서 하신 강연과 질의 응답의 녹취록을 토대로 정리한...
post truth 2024.05.29해당카페글 미리보기
thecorrespondent.com/322/truth-be-sold-how-truth-became-a-product Truth be sold: how truth became a product In premodern times, truth offered hope of redemption in the afterlife. As modern society emerged, truth brought us hope of a...