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feasible 실현 가능한 =practicable, ↔unpracticable 2024.09.06해당카페글 미리보기
feasible 실현 가능한 =practicable, ↔unpracticable fetus (foetus) ( 인신 8주 이후의) 태아 challenging 해내기 어려운, 힘든 adding insult to injury 설상가상 =out of the frying pan into the fire whimper (일시적) 기분, 변덕, on a whimper...
뉴질랜드 NZ 남섬 9박10일 1일차 2024.12.12해당카페글 미리보기
Pass (now officially Omanui / McKinnon Pass). The route became known as the Milford Track and this was the first practicable overland route across the South Island. After the discovery of the pass McKinnon spent time improving the track...
전치사 in 용법 2024.11.21해당카페글 미리보기
경우에는. ⑭ ⦗in doing의 형식으로⦘ …한 점에서, …하므로, …하면서 ┈┈• The proposal is acceptable in being practicable. 그 제안은 실행이 가능한 점에서 수락할 수 있다 ┈┈• in so saying 그렇게 말하며. ⑮ ⦗행위의 대상⦘ …에 관해, …을...
골관절염.. 한약재, 비타민, 미네랄 치료법 2020 nature... 2024.10.15해당카페글 미리보기
NICE) guidelines. It has been theorized that vitamin D supplementation in patients with knee OA might be a practicable and cost-effective approach for managing clinical symptoms and making a structural advance. However most clinical...
7월 17일 수요일 2024.07.17해당카페글 미리보기
render el here "by God." The לְ prefixed to el indicates the condition. The meaning of the phrase is, "While it is practicable, and you have the opportunity and means of doing good, do it." Do not defer, but do good promptly. The passage...