카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Divine Principle - 6) The Second Advent - Section 2 2025.02.19해당카페글 미리보기
the right perspective. For example, consider John the Baptist. For two thousand years we read the Bible with the preconception that John completed his given mission; therefore, its passages appear to support this. But when we re-examined...
편견을넘어자유의복음으로(행10:24ㅡ48) 2025.02.19해당카페글 미리보기
장벽 ㅡ> 특히 편견은 선입견 ㆍ고정관념과달리 (죄로인한옛자아가)생각없이 속단해 이유가 없다 ※용어정리 ●선입견(preconception): 어떤 체험에앞서 가지는 주관적 판단으로 모든선입견이 다 잘못된 것은 아님 ● 고정관념(stereoㅡtype): 한 문화와...
[DAY 12] 30일 챌린지 2025.01.21해당카페글 미리보기
because they are very good-looking, the most impressive is two sets of black clothes, a set is the first set of preconception black dress to give a stunning sense, the second set is to go to the president's room interview when wearing is...
#3363 나는 누구인가? - 分化(분화)의 極致(극치) 2024.10.23해당카페글 미리보기
how to operate it, but I drive it the old way. This is because old habits are ingrained and conservatism is a preconception. The fourth (third daughter) and fifth (second son) drive instead, and it is so convenient to drive while using...
555-마음 챙김이란 무엇인가: 마음 챙김의 임상적 및 일상적 적용을 위한 제언-김정호-덕성여대심리학과 최근에 마음 챙김 명상의 임 2024.09.26해당카페글 미리보기
there is no room for analysing, thinking about, criticizing, intellectual reasoning, logical thinking, or preconception" (U Janaka, 2004, p.14). 일상생활의 마음 챙김에서는 Nyanaponka(1962)에서 설명하는 방식의 마음챙김이 도움이 될 것 같다...
언제 임신할지, 말아야 할지...산부인과 의사 타카오씨와 생각하는, 자신의 인생을 자신이 결정하기 위해 알아두어야 할 선택지. 2024.09.03해당카페글 미리보기
がまだまだ広まっていないように思います。 世の中にもっと知っていただきたい言葉のひとつに「プレコンセプションケア(preconception care)」があります。コンセプション(conception)は妊娠という意味で、プレコンセプションケアは妊娠前からのケア...
The blessing to be completed by the faith (Matthew 8:5-13) 2024.09.07해당카페글 미리보기
servant beyond everything. Because he had a gentle character like this, he might have great faith without having preconception about Jesus who was a Jew, even though he was a Roman. Jesus said that he himself will go and heal the servant...
III. An Overview of 'Non-self' and the Buddhist History on the ...... 2024.08.31해당카페글 미리보기
pudgala and transmigration of mind and perception seem to be poor expositions. Even for the common sense without preconception, transmigration without a solid substance is unconvincing and hard to swallow. If it is true, it is natural...
2024 법원직 9급 영어 기출 문제 해설 강의 (촬영완료) 2024.07.21해당카페글 미리보기
can already be quite powerful in the early grades. For example, some children have been found to hold onto their preconception of a flat earth by imagining a round earth to be shaped like a pancake. This construction of a new...
2024-08-11-교황 삼종기도 2024.08.14해당카페글 미리보기
하느님께서 어떻게 그렇게 평범한 방식으로 자신을 나타내실 수 있을까?" They are obstructed in their faith by their preconception of his humble origins and they are obstructed by the presumption, therefore, that they have nothing to learn...