카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
6. 도시 교통: 스크립트 및 음성 2025.02.03해당카페글 미리보기
sharing and analytics, as well as the launch of user-friendly applications and services. Looking ahead, we target to promulgate the blueprint in next year to map out our visions up to 2050. Nevertheless, our effort to promote smart...
Pure Theory of Law 2025.01.23해당카페글 미리보기
The jurisdiction of different organisms of State are precisely defined within this framework, and the norms they promulgate are valid only insofar as they respect the higher-level norms which define and authorize their powers. Any organ...
“헌법재판관 임명하라” 한덕수 탄핵 고삐 쥔 민주당···26일이 고비 DP delays impeachment motion, awaits 2024.12.25해당카페글 미리보기
the DP of holding Han and other Cabinet ministers “hostage” by threatening to impeach them if they do not agree to promulgate its bills. Acting PPP leader Kweon Seong-dong accused the DP of acting “no differently from mobsters” in...
of the National Assembly. (3) When the proposed amendments to the Constitution receive the concurrence prescribed in paragraph (2), the amendments to the Constitution shall be finalized, and the President shall promulgate it without...
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PromulGate Universal에 오류가 있어서...이 말이 무슨 말인지.. 2003.08.09해당카페글 미리보기
안그러더니 오늘 밤부터 컴퓨터를 켜니까 PromulGate Universal에 오류가 있어서 예기치않게 종료를 해야합니다 란 메세지가 자꾸 뜹니다. 이 메세지가 뜨기전에는 쬐그마한 창에 무슨 일련번호같은것이 먼저뜨구서 이 PromulGate Universal이 메세지가...
신명기4:44-5:10 오늘 너희와 세운 언약이다 2024.01.08해당카페글 미리보기
and Moses, who preached the reason for absolute obedience with historical recollections of God's power, begins to promulgate the detailed laws they must observe here. Of course, this law is Torah. By repeating the expression 'after...
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prominence 돌기, 탁월, 돌출 2023.12.30해당카페글 미리보기
예언, 전조, 징후 diagnose 진단하다 propensity (나쁜 뜻으로) 성벽, 성질, 버릇, 경향, 성향 preponderance 우위, 우월 promulgate (사상 신조 등) 널리 알리다, (법령 제도 )공포[발표]하다, n. -gation divulge (비밀을) 누설하다 vulgarian 속물...
Title : Glorious Revolution in English and Puritan Movement 2023.11.19해당카페글 미리보기
faculty of Magdalen College, Oxford University, and replaced him with Roman Catholics. Moreover, it attempted to promulgate freedom of conscience and abolish the system that oppressed Roman Catholicism. The conflict between the King and...