카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
BELO con los estudiantes de primaria de la Institucion Educativa "Fe y Alegria Nº 36" 2011.07.08해당카페글 미리보기
Bee (espanol) - Baa (ingles)- メェー Mee (japones) - Be (frances) - Mah (aleman) Pato - Cuac (espanol) - Quack (ingles)- Coin (frances) Perro - Guau (espanol) - Arf / Woof (ingles) - ワン Wan (japones) - Ouah (frances) - Wau (aleman...
미국인들이 일상생활에 자주 쓰는 최신 슬랭영어 500개! 2007.04.26해당카페글 미리보기
12 coin money (벼락같이 돈을 벌다) 13 gramps (할아버지) 14 buddy-buddy (대단히 친밀한) 15 calf love (어릴 적 사랑, 풋사랑) 16 coffee-and (커피에 도너츠 식으로 먹?가벼운 식사) 17 curve (육체미) 18 crocodile tears (거짓 눈물) 19 tightwad...
Re:영어 왕초보를 위한 영어 발음 기호 (파닉스표)-영어 공부 혼자하는 분들 참고하세요! 2016.06.20해당카페글 미리보기
soil, coin, toilet, join, noise oy /오이/ boy, toy, enjoy, oyster, joy oo /우/ book, foot, good, look, wood, brook, cook, hook /우-/ spoon, boot, room, cool, zoo, balloon, tooth, moon 이중자음 bl /블/ black, blue, block cl /클/ clock...
쓸모있는 영어표현 509 가지 ( 제 9 탄 ) 2011.08.24해당카페글 미리보기
125 coin money(벼락같이 돈을 벌다) 126 cold shoulder (말하지 않다) 127 come into force (법령화하다) 128 Come off it. (농담 그만해.) 129 compare apples to oranges (전혀 맞지 않는 비교를 하다) 130 cooking on all four burners (미치거나...
QE 연료 미국의 경제 붕괴 2014.05.16해당카페글 미리보기
bankers coin it. The symptoms of this poisonous side effect of QE are most apparent in U.S. residential property markets. Poor job or income prospects make consumers reluctant to borrow and banks leery to lend. But house prices keep...
TOEFL 단어모음-ETS ( C-D ) 2023.04.01해당카페글 미리보기
A quack. chasm n. A yawning hollow, as in the earth's surface. chasten v. To purify by affliction. chastise v. To subject to punitive measures. chastity n. Sexual or moral purity. chateau n. A castle or manor-house. chattel n. Any...
미국인들이 일상생활에 자주 쓰는 최신 영어 500 2009.03.12해당카페글 미리보기
411 quack (돌팔이 의사) 412 tweaked (무리를 해서 상하다, 아프다) 413 go up in smoke (파괴되다) 414 wimp (무기력한 사람, 겁쟁이) 415 not myself (몸이 좋지 않다) 416 ballsed-up (황폐한, 혼란에 빠진) 417 culture vulture (문화를 습득하는 데...
[미드 대본] 프렌즈 시즌 10 (Friends Season10) 10x16~10x18 2008.10.22해당카페글 미리보기
seven coin tosses in a row? Head she wins, tails I lose. (he stops and starts realizing something) Wait a minute... Chandler: Yes, Joe? Joey: I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning! Phoebe (to Rachel): You doing ok? Rachel: Well, I've been...
Blogging Chapter Five: Section Thirteen 2011.04.27해당카페글 미리보기
the coin, and the eagle. LSV: That wasn't my example either. It was Darwin's. He was talking about his grandson. J-Monkey: But you pointed out that both syncretisms and complexes are not stable. They are always changing. LSV: That's...
The Æsop for Children, by Æsop 2015.05.30해당카페글 미리보기
The Quack Toad 84 The Fox Without a Tail 85 The Mischievous Dog 86 The Rose and the Butterfly 86 The Cat and the Fox 88 The Boy and the Nettles 88 The Old Lion 89 The Fox and the Pheasants 89 Two Travelers and a Bear 90 The Porcupine and...