카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
미 국방부, 중국 군사력 연례평가 발표 2024.12.20해당카페글 미리보기
expanded joint operations in 2023 that have continued into this year. Rattner said these air and sea exercises “have rattled cages in Japan and Kora. But they should not be seen as building “advanced operational capability, but viewed...
Opposition chief urges top court to act swiftly on impeachment 야당 대표, 헌법재판 2024.12.15해당카페글 미리보기
than four decades, lasted only six hours, but has caused massive political tumult, halted diplomatic activities and rattled financial markets. Yoon was forced to lift his decree after parliament unanimously voted to overturn it. Yoon...
President must own up to hasty martial law declaration 대통령은 성급한 계엄령을 선포했음을 2024.12.07해당카페글 미리보기
under the most stringent conditions? News of his martial law declaration spread rapidly around the world. His remarks rattled through foreign exchange markets, causing the South Korean won to weaken sharply against the U.S. dollar. In...
계엄령으로 흔들리는 한국 경제 2024.12.05해당카페글 미리보기
com/economy/2024/12/5/after-pledging-renewal-south-koreas-yoon-shakes-faith-in-economy South Korea’s economy rattled by martial law decree South Korean president’s bid to erase ‘Korea discount’ sputters after martial law declaration...
Korean markets reel from Trump impact 트럼프의 영향으로 한국시장 변동 2024.11.14해당카페글 미리보기
Trump made pledges for higher tariffs, tax cuts, reduced subsidies on foreign investments, and other policies that rattled global markets following his Nov. 5 election win. 트럼프는 11월 5일 선거에서 승리한 후 더 높은 관세, 감세, 외국인...
공무원어휘, 경찰어휘, 편입어휘 기출문제(보카바이블닷컴) - 402 2024.10.07해당카페글 미리보기
④ difference 정답 및 해설 ④ 철저히 조사하면 최종 결과에서 어떤 차이가 나타날 것이다. 4020. He got so rattled when he saw the policeman that he drove the car up over the curb. ① became enthusiastic ② became confused ③ got...
열왕기하20:1-11 히스기야의 기도 2024.10.05해당카페글 미리보기
것도 지혜일지 모르겠습니다. 주님, 나를 성령으로 둘둘 말아 주의 일에 쓰임 받게 하옵소서. Hezekiah would have rattled this morning when the Lord, master of time and history, gave a diagnosis to clear up his life. And God's mercy has come...
24.10.10 US election polls: Who is ahead - Harris or Trump? 2024.10.04해당카페글 미리보기
좋게 지내다, 죽이 맞다 그들은 악수를 나누었지만 사이가 좋아지지는 않았습니다. In a fiery 90 minutes, Harris frequently rattled the former president with personal attacks that threw him off message and raised the temperature of this...
투더moon #10 🌙: #zeneration2_mnl 🇵🇭🤝 2024.09.02해당카페글 미리보기
for the concert, btw!!! Okay so now I'll go timeskip to hi-touch. I felt so hectic after the show and I was a bit rattled because I had nothing prepared and I was alone lining up 😂 But then they lined us up and I was confused because I...
오늘의 해외 시각 및 동향 !! (08/13) 2024.08.13해당카페글 미리보기
외신평가 n 엔캐리트레이드청산,종료여부불확실성등으로투자자들의우려지속 블룸버그 (Carry-Trade Blowup HauntsMarkets Rattled by Rapid Unwind) ○ 최근 엔 캐리 트레이드 청산 등으로 엔화 가치가 급등하고 여타 일부 자산은 매도세가 급증. 최근...