카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
I admire your passion as a mother. 2025.01.24해당카페글 미리보기
right. It feels a bit strange to go back to studying at 40. A: You're too modest. I admire your passion as a mother. B: I just want to do everything I possibly can for my child. A: 요즘 무슨 공부를 하시는 거예요? B: 테솔 자격증 시험공부...
🎵 GIVE ME A SIIIGGNN ❄️ + B for Booboo 🩹 + Loving you saved me 🎵 + 🍫 2024.12.30해당카페글 미리보기
long as you go with me 😊 i'll be happy. B my Dmitri on my Journeyyyyyyy to the ppaaaasstt 🎵 ... topics involving my sitch haha (tito from laguna, tita and pwd (special) cousin from manila are here too. plus tito and tita retired from...
A Study of Spiritual Bodies Born in the Spiritual Realm (L.S.B.) 2024.11.20해당카페글 미리보기
of Faith> b. Complete the <Foundation of Substance> c. Fulfill the <Foundation for the Messiah> d. Welcome the Messiah e. Believe, follow, and obey to shed the <Fallen Nature> f. Receive the <Blessing> and qualify as a member of the...
How to Pop Your Ear on a Plane, According to an ENT Doctor 2024.10.01해당카페글 미리보기
is “airplane ear?” First, let’s get acquainted with medical lingo. Doctors refer to ear pain caused by changes in pressure as “baro-challenge.” If there’s actual harm, like a bruise in the eardrum or fluid in the ear, that’s...
From a moon to the Moon 🌙 #25 You’re the one who show me the meaning 2024.09.17해당카페글 미리보기
section as the last one and I cried my eyes out. Bite Back after that cleaned my tears away, that song is SICK! Can’t wait for the official release. Okay time for the main topic - banner reveals I think other deobis usually spoil their...
It ceases to be a devil when it ceases to be a god 2024.08.16해당카페글 미리보기
or (b) Admittedly aiming at nothing but innocent recreation or entertainment. Dante’s already, and Pickwith is alright. But the great serious irreligious art – art for art’s sake – is all balderdash; and, incidentally, never exists...
code 영문법 51p 자동사 + 전치사 (refer to) 35p refer to A as B 2020.10.19해당카페글 미리보기
같은경우는 수동태가 불가능 한데 1. 35p에 코드 5-4의 예시 2번에 설명 해주실때의 refer to A as B 가 수동태가 되어서 A referred to as B 가 되는거는 이때는 A를 B라고 지칭하다라는 다른 것으로 봐지는 건가요?? 아니면 예외 인가요? 아니면 자동사...
as I get to know him 그를 알아갈수록 2024.06.10해당카페글 미리보기
벤이 말을 하지 않아서 좀 불친절한 사람인 줄 알았어.) B;A couple of people in the club told me the same thing about him. 몇몇 동호회 사람들도 그에 대해 같은 말을 했어.) A;But as I get to know him, I realized he's quiet because he's...
[영어] refer to A as B가 수동태로 되면? 2015.03.07해당카페글 미리보기
refer to A as B가 수동태로 전환되면 A be referred to as B가 되는걸까요? 아니면 수동태 불가한가요? 전치사를 반드시붙여야 한다는것은 알겠는데.. ㅠㅠ
refer to A as B 2013.03.14해당카페글 미리보기
to as non-fermented or unfermented teas. 는 몇형식 문장이라고 봐야할까요? 그냥 보기엔 2형식 이란 생각이 드는데요. refer to는 또 합쳐서 1형식 문장인것 같기도 하구요.. 그런데 그럼 수동태 자체가 안되는 것 아닌가요?? 이 수동태를 능동태로...