카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
가정예배 365-2024년11월28일(목요일) 시편(1장1절~150장6절)을 통해 감정을 재조정하십시오. 복음추수감사주간2 2024.11.28해당카페글 미리보기
exceedingly The Lord time that time that pray I who is bound to the world prudence anxiety Pur four Tell pharaoh severally in front of my truth desire The Lord Disaster proper when is sad I recognize 2.I The Lord time that pray to me...
논어집주(論語集注) - 3 - 팔일(八佾) - ㉓ - 子語魯大師樂曰 樂其可知也 始作 翕如也 從之 純如也 皦如也 繹如也 以成 2024.09.29해당카페글 미리보기
commencement of the piece, all the parts should sound together. As it proceeds, they should be in harmony while severally distinct and flowing without break, and thus on to the conclusion.” 논어집주(論語集注) - 3 - 팔일(八佾) - ㉓ 1...
[FRCP] Hansberry v. Lee (US, 1940) 2024.11.20해당카페글 미리보기
its promises were the several obligations of the signers and those claiming under them. The promises ran severally to every other signer. It is plain that in such circumstances all those alleged to be bound by the agreement would not...
감정사 영어 기출 - 2016년 2024.03.29해당카페글 미리보기
therefrom, the owners of all the ships concerned, unless exonerated under Article III, shall be jointly and severally ( B ) for all such damage which is not reasonably separable. ① A: incident, B: liable ② A: incident, B: correspondent...
근육 - myokine, 지방 - adipokine - 장내세균과의 관계 2024.03.13해당카페글 미리보기
in the ob gene that codes for leptin (mutant ob/ob mice) are characterized by an altered gut microbiota and are severally obese with higher fat mass and lower muscles mass [67]. We discovered that changing the microbiota by using...