카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
에스겔 19장 (한영/문장) 2025.02.13해당카페글 미리보기
강한 가지들은 꺾이고 말라 불에 탔더니 But it was uprooted in fury and thrown to the ground. The east wind made it shrivel, it was stripped of its fruit; its strong branches withered and fire consumed them. 13 이제는 광야, 메마르고 가물이...
오늘의 '신앙 명언'(62강) 찰스 스탠리(Charles Stanley) 2025.02.06해당카페글 미리보기
번창하다, 번성하다, 번영하다, 우거져 무성하다, 무럭무럭 자라다 - stunt : 발육을 가로막다, 성장을 방해하다 - shrivel : ...을 시들게 하다, 줄어들어 주름지다, 위축되다, 움츠러들다 ※ 출처 : 유튜브/GEM 영어성경공부 https://youtu.be/WEL...
Happy Just to Be ... Myself Philippians 4:11 2025.01.12해당카페글 미리보기
The pine was dropping needles because it couldn’t grow grapes like the grapevine. And the grapevine let itself shrivel up because it couldn’t stand straight and tall like the peach tree. Every plant in the garden was discontented and...
RE:뉴질랜드 nz 남섬 9박10일 5일차 2편 Matheson lake2. Fox빙하계곡Walk 2024.12.16해당카페글 미리보기
forest floor of open native bush. Individual kidney-shaped fronds stand about 5–10 cm tall. In hot weather they shrivel up to conserve moisture, but open up again when the wet returns. This species has very thin fronds which are only...
yaho day 6. i forgot my bad 2024.09.16해당카페글 미리보기
TBZ (i replay eric's "malaysia we love you, okay?!" during hurt me less sometimes and seeing that makes me want to shrivel up into a hole and sob because stop how is the most magical day of my life already one week gone...) ANYWAY HAVE A...
(7.29) 강은실 플루트 독주회 2024.06.12해당카페글 미리보기
심포니 오케스트라, 대구 솔리스트 플룻 앙상블 등과의 협연을 통하여 플루티스트로서의 입지를 굳힌 강은실은 Baltimore Shrivel Hall에서 피바디 한인음악회 콘서트, Friedberg Concert Hall에서 Thursday Noon Concert를 연주 하는 등 국내외로 폭넓은...
Ezekiel 19~20 2024.03.18해당카페글 미리보기
its height. and for its many branches, But it was uprooted in fury and thrown to the ground. The east wind made it shrivel, it was stripped of its fruit; its was stripped of its fruit' it strong branches withered and fire consumed them...
던진도너츠_- /w fee.shrivel 나갔습니다 2009.11.29해당카페글 미리보기
DOTAX 비매너 유저 강등신청서 ' '를 신고합니다. 베넷아이디: fee.shrivel 클랜: fee 방제: cuz 비매너사유: 나가버렸음 도탁아이디(필수): 던진도너츠_- 증거자료(필수): 스샷필수(리플레이) + 상황설명 증거자료 & 도탁아이디 둘중하나 라도 없으면...
天聖經(增) - 182. 위하여 사는 인생철학 / ために生きる人生哲学 / The philosophy and practice 2024.02.18해당카페글 미리보기
at first will the next time be reduced to eight. If you demand night and day that others live for you, your heart will shrivel up. Since love comes from the other, only when we follow the way of living for the sake of others can pure...
10th December.~~(영어자막, 구글번역) 2023.12.07해당카페글 미리보기
as well. Each and every day the Seed thoughts, which contain the negative frequency patterns of these aspects, will shrivel and disappear when you stop feeding them energy. We have taught you to become “a living meditation” whereby you...