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카페글 본문
이정미_20130516_How to Come Up with Great Gift Ideas전문복(soar throat..) 2013.05.16해당카페글 미리보기
How to Come Up with Great Gift Ideas전문복(soar throat..).mp3
take care of your throat 2020.05.18해당카페글 미리보기
hey oppa I missed you sooo much 🥺 for your throat you can drink lemon tea with honey, it helps for soar-throat!! please take care of yourself, you know how precious you are for us🥺 have a good night and sweet dreams love u♥️
Some thoughts by Sami Dimitrov through 2023 Bulgarian Workshop 2023.09.04해당카페글 미리보기
I succeed to keep and gaining more strength. For the last year, I never felt really ill (nothing more than soar throat or some easy curable weakness). I have to thank you for that, Grandmaster Kim! I hope that more and more people will...
[영화 대본]‘Trigger Happy(방아쇠를 당기며 행복해,2025)’결말 부분*재미 교포 미남 배우 Kevin Kreider주연 2025.01.08해당카페글 미리보기
clears throat] Hello, Mikey. Uh, can you stop, uh, whisking? The huffing is nauseating. Um, I'm out for dinner with a friend from work tonight. That's all. [TV host] Welcome back to the all-day, every day, true crime marathon where we...
What is the difference between Soar and Sore and Sour? 2022.10.07해당카페글 미리보기
english-for-students.com Soar /sôr/쏘어: (verb) ( 1 ) Go up high in the air quickly The jet soared into the air. ( 2...Sore /sôr/쏘어: (adjective) ( 1 ) Aching, tender and painful Hurting when touched or used He has a sore throat. My leg...
중급반 공부 자료 2: collocations [4/1 up] 2024.03.31해당카페글 미리보기
cut-throat competition 치열한 경쟁 사업 market forces 시장의 힘 사업 gone out of business 사업을 중단하다 사업 business is booming 사업이 번창하다 사업 rival company 경쟁사 사업 do a deal 거래를 하다 사업 strike a deal 거래를 체결하다...
인카네이션크로스 51-60 2023.11.25해당카페글 미리보기
the throat. This energy can be very productive. Within your Cross, however, is the energy that is moody and oscillates between the glass being half-full and half-empty. Your challenge is to ride this wave and find solace in the half-full...
토익 주제별 어휘정리 2 2009.10.27해당카페글 미리보기
the hospital 입원하다 ․be taken to the hospital 후송되다 ․be discharged from the hospital 퇴원하다 2. I have a soar throat. 편도선이 붓다 3. get a shot (an injection) 주사 맞다 4. be in critical condition 중태다 ․be in stable...
A painful night. 2023.01.10해당카페글 미리보기
messages even if it's not real time. Your words cheered me up today. Fr. Not feeling well rn tbh. I have mild soar throat and fever 🥴 January really hates me. I remember this was the same month that I had C*VID 19 last year. I just felt...
20150708_한건국(365) 2015.07.08해당카페글 미리보기
such as using smart phone, opening the explorer that is not related with English. thanks to him, I’ve got soar throat usually, and it could make me have a good voice status. and now, he’s gone, he believe what he believe with following...