카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Tai Verdes - TWO SUGARS (2022) 2023.07.20해당카페글 미리보기
Re: plant 2차 대사산물 polyphenols ... 2025.03.12해당카페글 미리보기
of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups in their molecules, PCs possess the ability to form conjugates with compounds such as sugars, organic acids, plant amines, and others [36]. In this process, glycosidic, methylated, methoxylated, and...
[소설]황혼 여행-24 2025.03.06해당카페글 미리보기
where the dark night could be seen. She remembered that Na Kang-seok liked it a little sweet, so she added three sugars. And just as she was stirring, the door opened and he came in. "Did you enjoy the night view?" It wasn't a bad start...
젖산균(lactic acid bacteria) - 발효 건강상의 이점...2020년 review 2025.02.07해당카페글 미리보기
factors that entailed the following; glucose fermentation characteristics, cell morphology, capacity to utilize sugars, and optimum growth temperature range. This classification system thus recognized only four lactic acid bacteria...
Re: 단백질 산화를 통한 ROS 신호 --> 선천면역기능.. 2024 논문... 2025.02.04해당카페글 미리보기
Glycoxidation Reported as a spontaneous non-enzymatic reaction, glycation involves the response of free-reducing sugars with lysine and arginine amino acid residues, DNA and lipids forming Amadori products. This product, in turn...
왓챠 프리미엄 12개월 구독권 올해 마지막 할인 92880원 2024.12.11해당카페글 미리보기
출처: 여성시대 Sugars Protein https://watcha.com/ko-KR/promotions/watchapromotion 왓챠 1년 구독권 40% 할인! 지금 바로, 혜택가로 구독하고 1년 내내 즐겨보세요. watcha.com 올해 마지막 할인이래! 자세한 유의사항은 홈페이지에서 꼭 확인하기...
kinds of taste(맛의 종류) : the seven specific tastes(七味. 칠미). 2025.01.31해당카페글 미리보기
sourness, spiciness, astringency and blandness. 순서 맛 명사 형용사 식품 1 단맛(甘味. 감미) sweetness sweet sugars(설탕). glycogen(당원). artificial sweeteners(인공감미료: saccharin. sucralose. sucrose[자당]. aspartme. dextrose(grape...
Re: 문치연 추천 '타우린' 미토콘드리아 기능부전 치료효과... 2021년 2025.01.20해당카페글 미리보기
unclear as energy drinks also contain additional additives such as caffeine, ginseng, vitamins, antioxidants and sugars [121]. However, two reviews by Kurtz et al. [122] and Seidel et al. [123] have described the influence of taurine on...
혈액 내 중성지방 수치 높으면 금주 필요 고지혈증과 영양 <3> 2025.01.21해당카페글 미리보기
메타분석 한 결과, 당류의 과잉 섭취는 중성지방의 증가와 관련이 있었다. AHA에서는 혈액 내 중성지방에 따라 첨가당(added sugars) 섭취량을 제한하고 있다(150~199mg/dL이면 첨가당을 총열량 섭취의 10%, 200~499mg/dL이면 5~10%, 500mg/dL이상이면 5%...
Re: 소장박테리아 과증식 nature 2025.01.13해당카페글 미리보기
while simple sugar metabolism pathways found in symptomatic patients may reflect a higher dietary intake of simple sugars. These data alone do not provide sufficient evidence to support the role of diet-related changes in small...