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지비원 폼림 링크 분석해볼 사람 ㅎㅎ 2024.09.06해당카페글 미리보기
폼의 링크 확인하기 이렇게 해서 본인 서베이 제출 폼의 링크를 보면 https://artist.mnetplus.world/main/stg/zerobaseone/surveys/66d81e0e4e095221f56f687d/submissions?submissionId=6610abd26ad20b75f088fe02 ZEROBASEONE artist.mnetplus.world 이런...
매우 심각한 수준인 한국의 운동 부족 비율(세계 5위) 2024.07.15해당카페글 미리보기
trends in insufficient physical activity among adults from 2000 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 507 population-based surveys with 5·7 million participants, The Lancet Global Health (2024). 한국인의 경우 운동 부족인 사람이 열에 여섯명꼴...
트럼프 말 한마디 때문에 증시 폭락??? 2025.03.14해당카페글 미리보기
either.” On February 25, CNN reported the following: “Economic jitters are showing up across various sentiment surveys as the Trump administration aims to reconfigure America’s trade relationship with the world and inflation shows...
정책 및 연구자료 2025.03.13해당카페글 미리보기
lending (CEPR) Who Prefers Guessing to Admitting They Don’t Know? Measurement Error in Financial Literacy Surveys (CEPR) 해외 주요 은행들의 기후공시 현황 조사 (KDB 미래전략연구소) 캐나다 신임 Carney 총리 당선에 대한 금융시장 반응 (한국...
연구실험 지원자모집_2-3 1/2살 아동, 스트레스경험, 양육 도움 2025.03.14해당카페글 미리보기
https://rc2.redcap.unc.edu/surveys/?s=3TL4LCKRM7KKN73Y 도움이되는 연구같아요! 단, 필수조건을 충족해야해요. Our free parenting support program is designed to help you strengthen your relationship with your child and help your toddlers...
Fed Chair Powell says interest rates on hold 파월 연준의장, 금리인하유보 언급 2025.03.09해당카페글 미리보기
there were signs consumer spending has slowed compared with the healthy gains in the second half of last year, and said surveys of consumers and businesses “point to heightened uncertainty about the economic outlook.” Further...
Topic for Mar. 13. ( Thur ) 2025.03.07해당카페글 미리보기
shelf, 71% of shoppers purchased items from the middle two rows. Only 29% bought items from the front and back rows. Surveys also showed a tendency to indicate the middle two stalls among four. The same applies to restrooms. Researchers...
Chapter 19 (Part 2) 2025.03.03해당카페글 미리보기
lift upward to the lure, that whirls The Eternal King with revolutions vast." Even as the hawk, that first his feet surveys, Then turns him to the call and stretches forward, Through the desire of food that draws him thither, Such I...
'대통령 부부 공천 개입 의혹' 서울중앙지검 이송해 수사Probe into Yoon's alleged nomination interfe 2025.02.18해당카페글 미리보기
power broker Myung Tae-kyun ahead of multiple parliamentary elections. In return for allegedly running free opinion surveys on Yoon’s behalf during his successful election campaign, Myung is suspected of soliciting the president’s...
LG 임금체계 설문조사 안내 2025.02.24해당카페글 미리보기
노동조건/임금체계 파악을 위한 설문조사 안내입니다. 설문조사하러 가기 : https://ko.surveymonkey.com/r/ZXRSWKQ LG전자 및 자회사 임금 실태 조사 Take this survey powered by surveymonkey.com. Create your own surveys for free. ko.surveymonkey.com