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카페글 본문
발목 불안정의 기능 해부학, 병리학... 2024.11.08해당카페글 미리보기
DiGiovanni et al89 identified anterolateral impingement syndrome of the talocrural joint in 67% and talocrural synovitis in 49% of patients requiring surgery for lateral instability. Sinus tarsi syndrome, or synovitis of the lateral...
무릎, 고관절 관절염 jama 2020년 논문 2024.10.29해당카페글 미리보기
fibrosis and abnormal adipocytes suggestive of focal areas of damage and remodeling due to abnormal loading.19 Synovitis is commonly noted in OA joints.20 The synovitis seen in OA has a predominance of macrophages while the synovitis of...
Re: 고관절 골관절염 x ray 비정상 - no pain 많다!! 2024.10.28해당카페글 미리보기
valuable in the assessment of OA. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is more sensitive to detect joint effusion/synovitis, cartilage, labral, and bone marrow lesions. However, structural joint changes are frequent in asymptomatic...
Re: 오십견, 어깨가 굳어지는 이유는? 2024.10.16해당카페글 미리보기
5] 1994 case series anterior, inferior and posterior 15 – histology Frozen shoulder starts with a hypervascular synovitis followed by diffuse fibroplasia with thickening and contracture of the capsule Bunker [6] 1995 case series CHL...
M70 사용, 과용 및 압박에 관련된 연조직장애 2024.09.08해당카페글 미리보기
ulcer and pressure area 골부착부병증(M76-M77)Enthesopathies M70.0손 및 손목의 만성 염발음윤활막염Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist즐겨찾기 M70.1손의 윤활낭염Bursitis of hand즐겨찾기 M70.2주두윤활낭염Olecranon bursitis즐겨찾기...