카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
액비발효- 킬레이트화 과정의 중요성과 킬레이트제의 종류 2024.10.05해당카페글 미리보기
in fertilizer formulations. Refer below to see several types of chelates and what makes each type unique: 비료 제형에 사용되는 다양한 종류의 킬레이트제가 있습니다. 아래를 참조하여 여러 유형의 킬레이트제와 각 유형을 고유하게 만드는 요소를...
Haber-Bosch process -ammonia (NH3) 2024.08.16해당카페글 미리보기
of nitrogen for fertilizer worldwide. Ammonia is also used in the manufacture of commercial explosives (e.g...TNT], nitroglycerin, and nitrocellulose). In the textile industry, ammonia is used in the manufacture of synthetic fibres, such...
참父母經 / Chambumo Gyeong - 465. 해양사업에 대한 참부모님의 비전 2024.09.14해당카페글 미리보기
become fertilizer. To deal with this problem in cities, populations of crowded cities must be redistributed in such a way that each city, wherever it is located, can handle its own human waste. When that happens, people will naturally...
2. 환경: 스크립트 및 음성 2024.01.14해당카페글 미리보기
a cargo ship, but they can also be used in less obvious ways — like to make fertilizer, to provide heat to make cement and steel, or even to make synthetic fabrics and plastic. As a society, we’ve really taken that versatility and run...
코카콜라 성분은…😡 2021.09.22해당카페글 미리보기
of charcoal and film ribbons. Also used in the production of heat resistant materials, ceramics, glass, fertilizer, synthetic cleaning products, medicine, metal processing, and in the textile and olive industry. It is known that...
Ecosystem Warning [지구 생태계 위험 신호] 2005.04.08해당카페글 미리보기
from lakes and rivers for industry and agriculture has doubled since 1960. And more than half of all the synthetic nitrogen fertilizer ever used on the planet has been used since 1985 contributing to water pollution problems around the...
돌연변이는 우리가 화학 물질 오염 티핑 포인트에 도달하고 보여 2014.10.27해당카페글 미리보기
far-off manufacturing locations and crowded cities, while farm fields and agrochemical industries contribute synthetic fertilizer runoffs into streams that merge with rivers and oceans to kill algae, one of the earliest forms of life...
12/31) Marx and the Rift in the Universal Metabolism of Nature 2013.12.03해당카페글 미리보기
making phosphates soluble and built a factory to produce his superphosphates in the first step in the development of synthetic fertilizer. But for the most part in the nineteenth century countries were almost completely dependent on...
12/18 topic: 식단의 정치학-싸구려 음식과 대중 지배 2010.12.08해당카페글 미리보기
Since the farm no longer needs to generate and conserve its own fertility by maintaining a diversity of species, synthetic fertilizer opens the way to monoculture, allowing a farmer to bring the factory’s economies of scale and...
Capitalism and the destruction of life and earth. 2013.11.17해당카페글 미리보기
shipping and cruise lines, construction, chemicals, plastics, synthetic fabrics, cosmetics, synthetic fiber and fabrics, synthetic fertilizer and agribusiness CAFO operations. Of course, no one wants to hear this because, given...