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카페글 본문
mtDNA 미토콘드리아 DNA 분비 --> 선천면역세포 활성 .. 2023년 Annual review 2025.02.12해당카페글 미리보기
reduced blood pressure in hypertensive rats, whereas administering a TLR9 agonist to healthy rats increased systolic blood pressure (217). Chronic inflammatory diseases Kawasaki disease ▪ Increased circulating mtDNA and expression of CD...
건강(Health)고혈압 낮추는 비법, 그리고 진짜 무서운 이유와 응급처치 / 저혈압을 이기는 노하우 2025.01.22해당카페글 미리보기
고혈압은 치료하지 않으면 치명적이지만 다행히 약물요법이나 비약물요법으로 잘 조절된다. * 수축기 혈압(systolic blood pressure) 심실이 수축할 때 동맥벽에 저항하는 혈액의 최대 압력 * 이완기 혈압(diastolic blood pressure) 심실이 이완되고...
치유&재생 분비기관 --- 근육... 치료적 운동.. 2023 nature 2025.01.15해당카페글 미리보기
25. In addition, 7–15% of individuals demonstrated an ‘adverse response’ regarding alterations in systolic blood pressure, as well as in fasting levels of HDL cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin25,26. To drive the application of...
흉추 2,3,4 극돌기 통증... palpitation 심계항진, 가슴두근거림... 2025.01.12해당카페글 미리보기
with orthostatic hypotension, because of an inadequate physiological response to postural changes in blood pressure, the systolic blood pressure decreases by 20 mmHg or the diastolic blood pressure decreases by 10 mmHg within 3 min of...
Re: phytoestrogen .. 에스트로겐 대체 치료 2001 jama review 2025.02.12해당카페글 미리보기
soy diets as compared with the group receiving the carbohydrate diet. A significant decrease of 5 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure was also noted in the subjects receiving twice daily soy supplements compared with the carbohydrate only...