카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
The System Has Failed - Megadeth 2024.09.14해당카페글 미리보기
웃으면서 말했다. "오빠라고 부르기 까지 무려 9년이 걸렸네요~~ ^^" 이윽고 메가데쓰의 2004년작, 당시로선 최신작이었던 The System Has Failed 가 흘러나왔다. 그걸 들으면서 내가 말을 했다. "이거 메가데쓰 신보야 ㅋㅋㅋ 지난 14일에 나왔지. 이...
THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 두통, 편두통 2024.09.25해당카페글 미리보기
신경계 두통, 편두통 두통과 편두통의 경계는 모호합니다. 일반적으로 편두통은 비대칭적이며, 강도가 높은 통증이 수반되며 메스꺼움이나 맹점(스코토마)이 수반됩니다. 신의학의 관점에서 두통은 회복 단계를 나타내고 편두통은 회복 단계의 위기를...
171 24/10/21 The Ethical Dilemma Surrounding Canada's Euthanasia System 2024.10.21해당카페글 미리보기
1. Healthcare workers in Canada are grappling with the etics of Canada's euthanasia system, according to an AP investigation. [grappling with 문제를 해결하려고 고심하다: to fight, especially in order to win something] [euthansia: the...
SuperSonic Imagine AIXPLORER Ultrasound SYSTEM 2024.10.18해당카페글 미리보기
tailored to individual practices or institutional requirements, delivering flexible and value-focused solutions. The system includes an internal power supply designed for the following voltage ranges: • 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 1500W The...
天聖經(增) - 242. 쌍쌍제도가 우주의 존재 원칙 / ペア・システム / The pair system 2024.04.17해당카페글 미리보기
and spread, unchanged, as dandelions.( 381-224,20020614) 13 All the world of creation is connected in a pair system. The mineral world and everything else function in plus and minus relationships. On Earth we can see the plus-minus...
장신경계 enteric nervous system 탐구 2020 nature review 2024.11.22해당카페글 미리보기
The gastrointestinal tract is the only internal organ to have evolved with its own independent nervous system, known as the enteric nervous system (ENS). This Review provides an update on advances that have been made in our understanding...
Re: Harmful effects of high amounts of glucose on the immune system 2024.02.13해당카페글 미리보기
Harmful effects of high amounts of glucose on the immune system.pdf 1.03MB https://cafe.daum.net/panicbird/RnFZ/208 설탕은 암위험성을 증가시킨다. 10만명 20년 추적관찰 beyond reason미량원소 치유의학의 세계논문 영향력지수 27.604설탕음료가...
빛나는샤월 키 키랜드 온 앤 온 [ checking the system ] 2024.01.25해당카페글 미리보기
240125 본문과 관련 없는 댓글 + 부정적 언급 금지 Checking the system🔎💙 📍올림픽공원 핸드볼경기장 (Olympic Handball Gymnasium) 🗓2024. 1. 27 (SAT) 6PM / 2024. 1. 28 (SUN) 4PM 🔗On-line Weverse Shop ➫ https://t.co/T2Wh2qgqt0 Beyond LIVE...
Fisher & Paykel AIRVO 2 Humidified High Flow Therapy System PT101US 2024.11.06해당카페글 미리보기
Therapy System PT101US Fisher & Paykel AIRVO 2 is the ultimate In-Home Humidified High Flow Therapy System that is designed for the treatment of spontaneously breathing patients who benefit from high flow, warmed, and humidified air...
The Principles and Teachings of Kimu Practice Are Impossible to Imitate 2024.11.22해당카페글 미리보기
apply them. --- ○ The Value of Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu Haedong Kumdo Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu Haedong Kumdo is the first training system of its kind to emerge in the 21st century. This practice is regarded not merely as a martial art but as...