카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Test1-27. The Lake of Jangjae(+한국어 hint) 2024.12.12해당카페글 미리보기
탐욕스러운) He had a daughter who was ______ and kind-hearted, in complete contrast to her father. If any of the villagers was in need, she would give him rice or money.(겸손한) She would also give alms to beggars, unbeknownst to her...
24/05/26 The ‘Korean Jesus’ who loved Mongolian nomads 2024.05.28해당카페글 미리보기
was like a life full of spring,” he said. Dergy said Kim was determined to become a true friend to the villagers. “He lived with them, wore the same clothes and ate the same food. He stayed in Erdensant happier than anyone else,” he...
[May 17]Celebrating the 6th anniversary of the launch of the Villagers’Committee to Stop the Naval Base Project 2013.05.18해당카페글 미리보기
mmittee-to-stop-the-naval-base-project/ Celebrating the 6th anniversary of the launch of the Villagers’Committee to Stop the Naval Base Project 1. Summary on the recent hardships and...
Wrath of the villagers: Snatch thief taught a lesson 성난 주민들 : 날치기 도둑에게 한 수 가르치다.. 2008.08.17해당카페글 미리보기
Wrath of the villagers: Snatch thief taught a lesson 성난 주민들 : 날치기 도둑에게 한 수 가르치다.. KUALA TERENGGANU: Angry villagers beat up a snatch thief when he was thrown off his motorcycle after colliding with another motorcyle in...
all of them hoped the villagers to be safe..?? 2005.01.24해당카페글 미리보기
동사라고 하는데여..그럼 villagers 앞에 for를 붙이면 이 villagers가 to be safe의 의미상 주어가 되는 건가여?? 그렇다면 all of them hoped for the villagers to be safe 이런식으로 된다는 야근데... 그럼 이 문장은 몇형식인 건가여?? 1형식??..2...
What do you think about the villagers? 2013.07.26해당카페글 미리보기
What do you think about the villagers? 당신은 그 말을 사람들에 대해 어떻게 생각하나요? What do you think about the villagers.mp3
1636 Dance of the Villagers 2006.07.04해당카페글 미리보기
Dance of the Villagers c. 1636 Oil on board 28 3/4 x 41 3/4 in (73 x 106 cm) Museo del Prado, Madrid
24-29 Learning from Mistakes(실수로부터 배우기) 2025.01.04해당카페글 미리보기
the name of that monk? Famous Zen monk. But I admire him for this story. So anyway, when he, so all the villagers led by the headman of the village went up to the place where this monk, this little cave up in the mountain. And they just...
[탈무드] 48. 교육 49.간음한 자는 돌로 쳐라 2025.01.12해당카페글 미리보기
the young man, but she ran away and missed it. The young man must be the man that Susan attracted." The villagers were very angry to hear the testimony of the elders and to learn the true nature of a woman named Susan. Undoubtedly, the...
The villagers were busy rebuilding their old houses라는 문장에서 2011.05.02해당카페글 미리보기
선생님!mapping수업듣는 학생입니다. 개조된 타동사에서 동사를 가지고 목적어를 만들때는 to do를 이용하고 동명사를 이용할때는 전치사를 앞에 써주자나요 그런데 이 문장을 보면 전치사가 없는데 이는 생략됨 건가요? 그렇다면 어떤경우에 전치사릉...