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FORGET(군산중학교 ETs)
share their thoughts and knowledge. It is geared toward developing teaching materials depending...
카페글 본문
https://solutions-centre.org/pdf/TOWARD-A-THEORY-OF-SCHIZOPHRENIA-2.pdf https://www.proquest.com/openview/633b917e61c7b536bd9f31ed5f4dfeb2/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=1820903 A Sociological Theory of Schizophrenia - ProQuest 이것은 문서의...
What is our responsibility toward the poor? 2024.12.04해당카페글 미리보기
What is our responsibility toward the poor? If you do a word study of poor as it appears in Scripture, you will find that four categories emerge. The first group consists of people who are poor as a direct result of indolence; that is...
'턴 투워드 부산' (Turn Toward Busan)을 아십시까? 2024.11.11해당카페글 미리보기
전쟁 중 UN의 깃발아래 참전한 UN16개국의 직접 도움을 받았음을 상기합니다! '턴 투워드 부산' (Turn Toward Bus'턴 투워드 부산' (Turn Toward Busan)을 아십니까? an)을 아십니까? 매년 11월11일 오전 11시, 소란한 도시의 소음을 뚫고 사이렌이 울리면...
203 24/11/22 Global Voters Shift Opposition Toward Sitting Governments 2024.11.23해당카페글 미리보기
1. Whether on the left or the right, sitting governments around the world have been drubbed this year by disgruntled voters. [ drub: hit or beat (someone) repeatedly. "he was drubbed with tiresome regularity by his classmates" informal...
01. A journey toward a dream! 2024.10.03해당카페글 미리보기
01. A journey toward a dream! I was born as the sixth child of three sons and four daughters in a small rural farming family called ‘Sapgyo’ in ‘Chungnam’ and was the youngest son. From then on, I grew up naturally in the environment...
테이블글 본문
한 줄 수다 2024.01.26
성공하지 못할 거라는 그릇된 믿음을 버리는 것이 성공을 향한 첫걸음이다. Abandoning the false belief that you will not succeed is the first step toward success. - 앤드류 매튜스 -
한 줄 수다 2023.10.28
변화를 향한 첫걸음은 인식이며, 두번째 걸음은 받아들이는 것이다. The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. -나다니엘 브랜든-
한 줄 수다 2023.08.13
많은 사람들이 인생에서 발버둥 치지만 실패만 하는 이유는 목적, 즉 이루고자 하는 목표가 없기 때문이다. Many people flounder about in life because they do not have a purpose, an objective toward which to work. -조지 할라스-