카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
249 25/1/8 "U.S. Treasury Dept. Hit by Hack, Several Documents Compromised 2025.01.08해당카페글 미리보기
1. The Treasury Department says Chinese hackers remotely accessed central several of its workstations and documents. 2. The documents accessed were unclassified. [treasury; the funds or revenue of a government, corporation, or...
IRS가 미국 재무부 ( Treasury Department) 에 영구 귀속 2021.10.16해당카페글 미리보기
팔로우하는 사람중에 IRS (미국 국세청)에 전에 일했던 사람이 있는데 얼마전에 (한달 또는 두달전에) 미국 재무부 ( Treasury Department) 에 영구 귀속되었데" 친절하게 국세청 전화번호도 남겼네 직접 전화해서 확인해보라고. 구글해보니깐 맞는 번호...
페니 생산을 중단하는 미국 2025.02.14해당카페글 미리보기
ending-penny-production/ Ending Penny Production | Armstrong Economics President Donald Trump directed the Treasury Department to cease minting pennies. The penny has been circulating for 233 years, first established in...
중국공산당 소속 해커, 재무부 시스템 '중대 사건' 발생 미국 재무부는 12월 8일에 침해 사실을 통보받았습니다. 2024.12.31해당카페글 미리보기
ncident-report CCP-affiliated hacker breaks into Treasury Department system in 'major incident' A CCP-affiliated hacker reportedly targeted the U.S. Treasury Department in a "major incident...
미국의 CBDC 입장 변화와 주요국의 CBDC 현황 2025.02.04해당카페글 미리보기
2022. 1. 20, 연준, 중앙은행 디지털통화(CDCD) 보고서 주요 내용, 한국은행 워싱턴주재원 현지정보. 4) U.S. Department of the Treasury, 2024. 10. 30, TBAC Report to Secretary: 2024 - 4th Quarter. 5) 박동욱, 2023. 12, 『디지털화폐 생태계 변화...
686 1/8 Chinese hackers 2025.02.02해당카페글 미리보기
The Treasury Department says Chinese hackers remotely accessed several of its workstations and documents. The documents accessed were unclassified. A letter was sent to lawmakers that said there is no evidence indicating the threat actor...
878. January 8, 2025. China Hack 2025.01.30해당카페글 미리보기
20250108_China Hack.mp3 644.39KB The Treasury Department says Chineses hackers remotely accessed S beach several of its work stations in and documents. The documents accessed were unclassified. A letter with center was sent to lawmakers...
미국, 러시아에 대한 새로운 제재로 180척 이상의 선박, 석유 거래업체 및 기업 봉쇄 2025.01.11해당카페글 미리보기
In Sweeping New Sanctions Against Russia In an unprecedented move targeting Russia’s energy sector the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced sanctions against more than 180 vessels, dozens of oil traders, oilfield service providers...
재무부 산하 인쇄국 (Department of The Treasury Bureau of Engraving & Printing) 2009.08.01해당카페글 미리보기
of the procedures for returning mutilated currency, please visit the BEP web site. The mailing address is: Department of the Treasury Bureau of Engraving and Printing Office of Currency Standards P.O. Box 37048 Washington, DC 20013 All...
이란, 러시아에 탄도미사일 수출 2024.09.12해당카페글 미리보기
supporting such activities. — Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) September 11, 2024 The US State Department and Treasury have imposed fresh sanctions on Iran, joined by France, Germany and the UK. London has restricted national...