카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Ukraine : chroniques d’un écrivain dans la guerre 2025.02.18해당카페글 미리보기
France Culture va plus loin (l'Invité(e) des Matins) Publié le mardi 18 février 2025 à 07:42 Ukraine : chroniques d’un écrivain dans la guerre Des enfants observent un immeuble résidentiel après une attaque de drone dans la...
Republican senators broken away from Trump after controversial Ukraine post 2025.02.22해당카페글 미리보기
These Republican senators have broken away from Trump after controversial Ukraine post The Independent Story by James Liddell 21/02/2025 Donald Trump has divided Republican senators after branding Volodymyr Zelensky as a “dictator” and...
Éditorial - Négociations sur l’Ukraine : l’heure de l’Europe 2025.02.14해당카페글 미리보기
Éditorial - Négociations sur l’Ukraine : l’heure de l’Europe Le Monde La méthode avec laquelle Trump aborde le processus de paix par un dialogue avec Poutine en l’absence du pays agressé est grave. Kiev et ses alliés européens...
EK_국방_Ukraine Defense Contact Group 2025.02.19해당카페글 미리보기
Opening Remarks by Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth at Ukraine Defense Contact Group_Script&Glossary_이수빈.docx 22.69KB 영한자료_Opening Remarks by Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth at Ukraine Defense Contact Group_음성_이수빈.m4a 9.53MB
889. January 19, 2025. Korea Ukraine 2025.02.06해당카페글 미리보기
20250119_Korea Ukraine.mp3 584.80KB South Korean Intelligence says that two North Korean soldiers captured in Ukrine have not expressed a desire to seek asylum. 망명을 요청하다 This is why The spy agency told law makers they questioned...
89 2025/01/19_Korea Ukraine 2025.01.21해당카페글 미리보기
South Korean intelligence says that two North Korean soldiers captured in Ukraine have not expressed a desire to seek asylum. The spy agency told lawmakers they questioned the solders who were taken by Ukrainian forces while fighting in...
Rebuilding Ukraine - 우크라이나 재건사업과 국내 기업의 기회 2025.02.18해당카페글 미리보기
https://www.pwc.com/kr/ko/insights/issue-brief/rebuilding-ukraine.html Rebuilding Ukraine - 우크라이나 재건사업과 국내 기업의 기회 본 보고서에서는 우크라이나 전후 재건사업의 진행현황, 리스크 및 기회요인을 살펴보고 향후 우리 기업과 정부의...
260 25/1/19 Ukraine Captures North Korean Soldiers Alive 2025.01.19해당카페글 미리보기
1. South Korean intelligence says that two North Korean soldiers countered captured in Ukraine have not expressed a desire to seek asylum. [asylum: 1) the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a...
N.Korean cannons designed to flatten Seoul head to front line in Ukraine 2025.01.28해당카페글 미리보기
North Korean cannons designed to flatten Seoul head to front line in Ukraine
2024.12.15.일. 영어동화로떠나는세계여행: Buddy Reading+세계문화: Ukraine (우크라이나문화) 2024.12.16해당카페글 미리보기
■ 일시 (Date): 2024. 12.15. 일. 오후 2시- 4시(2시간) ■ 장소 (Venue): 코나영어센터(KONA English Center, 광주광역시, 북구, 용봉로 77, 전남대 생활관9호관(기숙사) 상가 1층 111호) https://naver.me/FrAkw5cG ■ 대상 (Participants): 유네스코...