카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Eichmann in Jerusalem(1963) - Hannah Arendt 2024.11.27해당카페글 미리보기
major journalistic triumph by an intellectual of singular influence, Eichmann in Jerusalem is as shocking as it is informative—an unflinching look at one of the most unsettling (and unsettled) issues of the twentieth century...
심상정은 윤석열 아바타........후여~~ 2024.10.16해당카페글 미리보기
could not allow me to vote for [Democratic Party nominee and serving Vice-President] Humphrey because of his unflinching support of President Lyndon Johnson’s dangerous escalation of that illegal war. So I voted for Dick Gregory, the...
Spiritual Warfare…,, 2024.03.23해당카페글 미리보기
before the Fall. He lived under oppression in his own country and persecuted throughout the world for his unflinching faith in God. However, his faith in God never faltered and his promise to help God restore this fallen world always...
다시 부활하는 헐리웃 메카시즘 2023.12.05해당카페글 미리보기
to pass. Hollywood workers must call on their unions to denounce these attacks and the movement must stand in unflinching support of those who are experiencing attacks for their pro-Palestine positions — be they in Hollywood...
바이든이 대통령이 아니엇다면 미국과 세계는 바꿧을까?? 2023.11.28해당카페글 미리보기
the man by saying, “I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours if you’d like.” That level of unflinching confidence and condescension while lying is perhaps one of Biden’s biggest selling points for the ruling elite. In...
Bright Not BrokenGifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism저자Kennedy Diane M 2023.07.08해당카페글 미리보기
Broken sheds new light on this vibrant population by identifying who twice exceptional children are and taking an unflinching look at why they’re stuck. The first work to boldly examine the widespread misdiagnosis and controversies that...
평화의 어머니 1 - 2. 엄마, 고마워요! 엄마, 잘 부탁해! 2023.05.02해당카페글 미리보기
care of his health, he would have had more time to work for a better world. But he too followed God's will with unflinching devotion, and this damaged his health, ultimately to the point of no return. Up to four or five years before his...
勇氣 = 智慧 2023.03.29해당카페글 미리보기
카리지(용기) = 蠻勇(만용- animal(동물적 함부로날뛰는 ,, 정의에만) , serene (침착), adamantime(굳센, 철석같은), unflinching (불굴의용기) 다 " 용기를 가진 사람이 다수를 만든다 " (앤드루잭슨1767- 1845 미, 7대대통령) ' Have great courage to...
[디 에슬레틱] 필 존스의 피지컬 데이터는 매우 좋음 / 그는 루크 쇼의 부활을 개인적인 영감으로 여기고 있음 2021.08.05해당카페글 미리보기
the resurgence of Shaw as a personal inspiration. Jones has the respect of his team-mates and coaching staff for his unflinching commitment to the sport. [Laurie Whitwell, @TheAthleticUK] 필 존스의 피지컬 데이터는 매우 좋음 그는 쇼의...
[타임즈] 스콜라리, 아브라모비치와 면담 후 해고돼 2009.02.10해당카페글 미리보기
s Benefits Supervisor Sleeping in the space of 48 hours last May, he has always gone about his business in the unflinching manner of someone who knows that he is right — and that, in the unlikely event that he is proved wrong, he has...