카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Re: phytoestrogen .. 에스트로겐 대체 치료 2001 jama review 2025.02.12해당카페글 미리보기
on soy intake. Assessments of the amount and types of soy products consumed 3 or 4 decades prior to the study are unreliable, as is the ability to link this information to the development of cancer years later. No recommendations can be...
그것은 바로 18절에 들어있는 ‘ willfully’라는 단어다 2025.02.10해당카페글 미리보기
against the Most High; they did not keep his statutes. 57 Like their fathers they were disloyal and faithless, as unreliable as a faulty bow. 58 They angered him with their high places; they aroused his jealousy with their idols. 59 When...
Romans - Contemporary English Version(CEV) 2025.02.12해당카페글 미리보기
and boastful, always thinking up new ways to do evil. These people don't respect their parents. 31They are stupid, unreliable, and don't have any love or pity for others. 32They know God has said that anyone who acts this way deserves to...
시편 78편 (한영/문장) 2025.01.28해당카페글 미리보기
그들의 조상들 같이 배반하고 거짓을 행하여 속이는 활 같이 빗나가서 Like their fathers they were disloyal and faithless, as unreliable as a faulty bow. 58 자기 산당들로 그의 노여움을 일으키며 그들의 조각한 우상들로 그를 진노하게 하였으매...
흉추 2,3,4 극돌기 통증... palpitation 심계항진, 가슴두근거림... 2025.01.12해당카페글 미리보기
sounds that might indicate underlying valvular or structural heart disease.9 However, the examination alone is an unreliable method to determine the arrhythmia causing the palpitations, but certain findings can suggest types of rhythms...
[2024년12월14일] doubt vs. suspect / explain vs. describe 2024.12.10해당카페글 미리보기
세금 사기 사건 기억나? 유튜브에 그것에 대한 자세한 설명을 제공하는 동 영상이 있더라. B: "YouTube video." Another unreliable source. I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt until we know for sure. Reserve your judgment...
GPS의 대안으로 양자측지 기술을 주목중인 펜타곤 2024.11.29해당카페글 미리보기
that “Quantum sensors can provide navigational information in environments where GPS signals are unavailable or unreliable.” The report and the DIU industry offering outline three ways quantum sensing can be applicable to PNT...
성격(Personality) 관련 영어 단어 2024.12.01해당카페글 미리보기
수 있는 truthful : 믿을 수 있는 unexciting : 신나지않은 unhappy : 불행한 uninteresting : 시시한 unlucky : 불행한 unreliable : 믿을 수 없는 untidy : 어수선한 untrustworthy : 믿지 못할 vain : 헛된 warm-hearted : 마음이 따뜻한 witty : 재치있는
(서방에게) 배신당할 위기에 처한 우크라이나 2024.10.15해당카페글 미리보기
and may soon be joined by Slovakia and Austria. Germany has provided the most weapons but has been politically unreliable. Its refusal to supply Taurus missiles and its public debate about reducing its defence budget have sent all the...
Re: 고관절 골관절염 x ray 비정상 - no pain 많다!! 2024.10.28해당카페글 미리보기
after 10 years demonstrates no significant change in joint space narrowing. Outcome prediction on radiographs is unreliable. Note that the area underneath the osteophyte (asterisk) does not correspond to the articular joint space 운동...