카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
《동향보고서》 2025년 에듀테크 기술, 시장 전망과 사업화 전략 2025.01.13해당카페글 미리보기
웨어러블(Wearable) 2) 국내외 에듀테크 사업 부문별 현황 (1) 콘텐츠 부문 (2) 플랫폼 부문 (3) 네트워크 부문 (4) 디바이스 부문 3) 국내 에듀테크 산업 및 서비스 현황 (1) 국내 에듀테크 산업 동향 (2) 국내 에듀테크 기반 서비스 동향 2. 주요국 에듀...
DuPont’s stretchable ink innovation brings washable wearable electonics 2015.01.05해당카페글 미리보기
that can be seamlessly fused with standard fabrics providing comfort and freedom in wearable technology, DuPont claims. Michael Burrows, business development manager, told UTECH-polyurethane.com: “TPU has many enabling features for...
When your body becomes the border 2023.09.04해당카페글 미리보기
a wearable device to something that is less visible but ever-more ubiquitous. Proponents at the Department of Homeland Security say that placing migrants under electronic monitoring is preferable to putting them in detention centers as...
ESPN NBA Insider: 부상 예방에 혁신을 기하고 있는 NBA 2014.04.05해당카페글 미리보기
general manager "지금 우리는 단기적 이득을 쫓는 많은 사람들이 하고 있는 일이 선수 입장에서는 최선의 이익이 아니란 것을 말하고 있는 거에요. 오늘밤 경기에서 그 아이가 다치든 이번 주말에 다치든 또는 다음 7 년에 걸쳐 다치든, 그 코치는 그...
Augmented reality(증강현실,增强現實) 2016.02.27해당카페글 미리보기
project manager specializing in human interface research and development. Starting 1998 he conducted research into displays that combined video with synthetic vision systems (called hybrid synthetic vision at the time) that we recognize...
50 enterprise startups you've probably never heard of who really are changing the world 2016.01.18해당카페글 미리보기
IT manager can find out information just by typing an ordinary question in like: "tell me about all of my virtual machines that are not behind the firewall." Then, IT pros can “pin” the results to the group to share information. AWADAC...
[23. Sep. 2017] Saturday meeting topic 2017.09.19해당카페글 미리보기
HR Manager. Janelle is also working as a Research Assistant at the Cornell Center for Advanced Human Resources at the ILR school. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i] Ceci, Stephen, and...
Apple Watch Tops List of Hottest Fitness Trackers By Dan Tynan 2014.10.27해당카페글 미리보기
popular wearable among the Yahoo faithful, far outdistancing all but the Apple Watch. But 2014 has been a rough year for the 7-year-old company. Multiple complaints about skin irritation caused by its Force activity tracker forced Fitbit...
[June 12, 2014]_Thursday Meeting Topic 2014.06.10해당카페글 미리보기
station manager Produces hydrogen on site, so will need science as well as retail skills. Uranium recycler Converts bomb-grade uranium from warheads into low-enriched uranium for use in nuclear power plants. 3. Advanced manufacturing The...
Tech to take the stress out of stress 2014.10.28해당카페글 미리보기
Another wearable device, designed in Canada, is a headband called Muse. "It's clinical grade EEG (electroencephalography, recording brain electrical activity) in this slim, sleek little consumer form factor," says Ariel Garten, a...