카페검색 본문
테이블글 본문
You Can Get It All - Bow Wow (2009/03/30) 2023.06.21
can get it all You can get it wooo-hooo When I think about you That's the first thing that come to my mind I'm like Wooo...And to me your just another new name But what I'm tryna tell you for every man There's a woman thal make him...
To Be With You - Mr. Big (1991/04/01) 2023.06.22
Hold on little girl Show me what he's doone to you Stand up little girl A broken heart can't be that bad When it's...confidence So you can be on top for once wake up who cares about Little boys that talk too much I seen it all go down...
2024년 외국 영화 TOP 10 2025.01.09
제 77회(2024년) 칸 영화제 황금종려상 수상작 감독: 션 베이커 별점: ★★★★☆ 5. 추락의 해부 “I don't know what you heard about me” 제 76회(2023년) 칸 영화제 황금종려상 수상작 감독: 쥐스틴 트리에 별점: ★★★★☆ 4. 악은 존재하지 않는다...
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (2) : 301~600 2024.03.25
bit. 563. 그 책은 기대보다 훨씬 좋았다. The book exceeded my expectations. 564. 왜 그렇게 기분이 좋아요? What are you so excited about? 565. 가셔도 좋습니다. You're excused. 566. 변명의 여지가 없습니다. Nothing can excuse this. 567. 그분...
Wannabe - Spice Girls (1996/06/26) 2023.06.26
have got to give Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is Oh what you think about that, now you know how I feel Say you could handle my love, are you for real? (Are you for real?) I won't be hasty, I'll give you a try If you really...
I Pray 4 U (이누야샤 오프닝) - 신화 (2002/03/29) 2023.06.24
있게 됐는걸 언젠가 다시 만나기를 I pray 4 U (Rap) From a day one to the night, all day everyday let me tell you what I talk about. Everybody wanna take chips, tall gon' fake this. Run'em out, baby girl check 1,2. Yes I want you, and I...
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (1) : 1~300 2024.03.25
029. 어느 대학에 다니십니까? Which college are you attending? 030. 그 여자의 어디가 그렇게 마음에 드세요? What is so attractive about her? 031. 수업을 청강해도 되겠습니까? Can I audit your class? 032. 내가 몇 살로 보입니까? How old do...
한 줄 수다 2023.11.06
바쁘게 움직이는 것이 중요한 것이 아니다. 개미들도 바쁘게 움직인다. 중요한 것은 "무슨 일을 하느라 바쁜가?" 이다. It's not about being busy. Ants are busy, too. The important thing is, "What are you busy doing?" -헨리 데이비드 소로우-
Wonderwall - Oasis (1995/10/30) 2023.06.20
to you By now you should've somehow Realized what you gotta do I don't believe that anybody Feels the way I do about you now Backbeat the word was on the street That the fire in your heart is out I'm sure you've heard it all before But...
Feels (Feat. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, Big Sean) - Calvin Harris (2017 2023.06.22
top and chase thrills (hey) I know you ain't afraid about this (hey) Baby I know you ain't scared to catch feels Feels...Unwind off your goggles Virtual reality It ain't what it cost you It might be a dollar As long as it shocks you...