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카페글 본문
whimper훌쩍이다 끙끙대다 2024.04.02해당카페글 미리보기
whimper (v.) 1510년대, 아마도 의성어에서 비롯되었거나, 독일어의 wimmern "흐느끼다, 통곡하다"에서 유래한 것으로 보입니다. 관련 단어로는 Whimpered, whimpering 가 있습니다. 이 명사는 1700년경에 처음 언급되었습니다.
[Real sorrow] ends neither with a bang nor a whimper 2023.05.14해당카페글 미리보기
On grief [Real sorrow] ends neither with a bang nor a whimper. Sometimes, after a spiritual journey like Dante’s, down to the centre and then, terrace by terrace, up the mountain of accepted pain, it may rise into peace—but a peace...
PART 6 // chapter 7-3 2025.02.06해당카페글 미리보기
But I wonder shall I in those fifteen or twenty years grow so meek that I shall humble myself before people and whimper at every word that I am a criminal? Yes, that’s it, that’s it, that’s what they are sending me there for, that’s...
The story of how a mega-berg transformed the ocean 2024.10.29해당카페글 미리보기
and released billions of tonnes of chilled, freshwater into the ocean before finally meeting its end in a slushy whimper during April 2021. In doing so, it also transformed the marine habitat around it, creating unique conditions that...
Re: 엘렌 브라운 2024.10.06해당카페글 미리보기
shut down the Supreme Court but also culled the number of its judges from 26 to 11 — with not even the slightest whimper of protest from Washington.(혀튼 미 양아치 쇗끼들 이중성은 증말 지겨워.... 이 미 양아치 쇗끼들의 이중성을 가장 잘...
해당카페글 미리보기
feasible 실현 가능한 =practicable, ↔unpracticable 2024.09.06해당카페글 미리보기
해내기 어려운, 힘든 adding insult to injury 설상가상 =out of the frying pan into the fire whimper (일시적) 기분, 변덕, on a whimper 즉흥적으로 bang 쾅하고 때리다[닫다], bhang (bang) 대마 look before you leap 돌다리도 두드려 보고 건너라...
자작시 4번째......"우선순위" 2024.04.14해당카페글 미리보기
on the news and be cute Thank you for stretching. moment by moment I won, I won, I lost. It's crazy. It's time for a whimper. According to Cutie, today's victory... I was wondering. How many confirmed cases of Corona? This moment of...
[미국 폭동에 관한 메시지]THE WHIMPER(흐느낌: 전쟁과 파괴의 때가 너희에게 임했다!)-BYRON SEARLE(20.4.15) 2020.04.17해당카페글 미리보기
https://byronsearle.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-whimper.html -흐느낌- (whimper: 흐느낌, 애원, 읍소, 탄원) 성경 구절: 렘50:42 그들은 활과 투창을 가진 자라 잔인하여 불쌍히 여기지 아니하며 그들의 목소리는 바다가 설레임 같도다 딸 바벨론아 그들...
Sometimes important events happen not with a whimper but a bang 2020.05.09해당카페글 미리보기
https://world.wng.org/2020/04/all_of_a_sudden All of a sudden Sometimes important events happen not with a whimper but a bang Post Date: April 14, 2020 - Issue Date: May 09, 2020 In 2007 I went to work as usual at the seminary café I’d...