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카페글 본문
Re: 말초신경의 재생 한약 탐구 2021년... 2024.11.22해당카페글 미리보기
nerve morphology and functional recovery assessed by foot position, extensor postural thrust test, and withdrawal reflex threshold) Reversal of Bax, Bcl-2, and survivin mRNA expression induced by sciatic nerve injury [77] Can be found in...
What is a reflex? 2009.01.09해당카페글 미리보기
I just didn't draw them as polysynaptic connections because it looks so confusing. Your book refers to a "withdrawal reflex." That is the left half of the drawing above of the crossed-extensor reflex. I don't bother with it, because it...
Re: basic reflex terminology 2009.03.02해당카페글 미리보기
response to a stimulus) in which the effectors are skeletal muscles, e.g., the patellar reflex, the flexor or withdrawal reflex, the crossed extensor reflex, the plantar reflex, the abdominal reflexes, etc.; most named somatic reflexes...
기면증 탈력발작 '시상하부 오렉신 뉴런 장애' 자가면역질환 ..2014 nature 2025.03.09해당카페글 미리보기
alleviate cataplexy, also suppress REM sleep, and rapid withdrawal of these drugs causes a rebound of either cataplexy or REM sleep.2,60 Deep tendon and monosynaptic Hoffmann reflex activity are absent during both cataplexy and REM sleep...
cranial 움직임 장애 nature 2025.01.15해당카페글 미리보기
blink reflex is a common finding in blepharospasm but not in eyelid apraxia.4,11 The treatment of choice for blepharospasm is injection of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) into the orbicularis oculi muscle (Table 3).24,25 Injection of BoNT...
섬유막 가소성 이해를 위한 신경생리학적 기초 - 정리중.. 2014.05.29해당카페글 미리보기
The three main types of somatic reflexes involve the stretch reflex (monosynaptic reflex), the flexor/withdrawal reflex (polysynaptic reflex), and the crossed extensor reflex ( reciprocal inhinnbition). Fascial plasticity is seen with...
파워운동생리학 7장. 신경계의 구조와 운동조절 2017.02.05해당카페글 미리보기
억제함. 이러한 동시다발적인 흥분성과 억제성의 신경활동을 상호억제(reciprocal inhibition)이라고 함. 도피반사(withdrawal reflex)의 또하나 흥미로운 특징은 부상부위를 움직이는 동안에 반대쪽 부위를 신전시켜 신체를 지탱할 수 있도록 한다는 것임...
Nervous System by 김송준 2012.03.18해당카페글 미리보기
neuron connects the sensory and the lower motor neuron within the spinal cord. b. Example: Flexor withdrawal reflex i. A painful stimulus causes a receptor to generate an impulse. ii. The impulse travels on a sensory neuron to the...
통증의학 - 통증의 정의, 생리, 분류 2022.06.10해당카페글 미리보기
조직 손상에 의한 통증은 바늘에 찔리는 순간이나 불에 데려는 순간에 느낀느 일차적인 통증으로 이로 인한 도피 반사(withdrawal reflex)를 일으켜 다가오는 더 큰 조직 손상을 미연에 방지하는 역할을 한다. 통증의 정의에서 알 수 있듯 통증은 생체의...
3) 허리디스크로 인체가 통증을 느끼는 경로(pathway)와 각종 통증치료법의 이해 2009.11.09해당카페글 미리보기
nerve fibers located in the skin, which respond to strong pressure, a cut, or high temperature, eliciting the withdrawal reflex. Examples include the sharp pain from a pinprick or pinch or brief exposure to well-localized heat; the pain...