카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
언니 노랑노랑 모음💛(yellow clothes collection🐥) 2020.05.20해당카페글 미리보기
her in yellow.💛💛 She's wearing more yellow clothes than I thought.❤ She's a pure image, so I think she's wearing beige or yellow often.💗 Especially, in the drama "The Crash of Love," she wore a lot of yellow clothes.💞 When she wears...
에트몽, 룩캐스트, 르베인, 어윗 가디건 2024.03.25해당카페글 미리보기
1. 에트몽 스티치 포인트 가디건 원가 16만8천원 -> 반값택포 8.0 에트몽 Stitch Point Knit Cardigan Yellow Beige 입니다. 택포 8.0에 판매해요(반값택배비포함) 소재특성상 소매에 털뭉침있는데 처음 받을때부터 그랬습니다 1회 착용했으며 상태...
YELLOW Minerals Sorted by Color 2011.04.20해당카페글 미리보기
yellow Waxy Weeksite yellow, amber Vitreous (Glassy) Rabejacite yellow, amber Vitreous - Greasy Nigerite-6H yellow, beige Earthy (Dull) Pokrovskite yellow, beige Vitreous (Glassy) Reedmergnerite yellow, blackish Metallic Krennerite...
W3: 💭🎵, 👹 hunter, Dreaming, Lost boy, Stars, From snow to sand. Miss u B 2025.02.14해당카페글 미리보기
this beige puffer, i'm so glad I found you thrifting and it's a little easy to let you go because you aren't expensive. I would have taken you home if you weren't so bulky. I hope someone would make good use of you and would appreciate...
Sweet potato 2023.12.13해당카페글 미리보기
edible tuberous root is long and tapered, with a smooth skin whose color ranges between yellow, orange, red, brown, purple, and beige. Its flesh ranges from beige through white, red, pink, violet, yellow, orange, and purple. Sweet potato...
The Ramen Lord 2024.02.16해당카페글 미리보기
served at the dorm canteen. When the ramen bowl arrived at his counter seat, it was nothing pretty: yellow noodles submerged in murky beige with a tangle of light green scallions. On the surface of the soup was what looked like a quarter...
바비브라운 가루파우더 pale yellow 썼는데 레브론으로는 뭐써야 할까요? 2006.06.19해당카페글 미리보기
안녕하세요~ 레브론 가루 파우더 한번 써보려고 하는데 전엔 바비브라운 pale yellow 썼거든요 레브론 색상 보니까 ivory beige 부터해서 sand beige, natural beige 뭐 이런 식이네요 지금 호주라 여기에 있는 화장품이 더 싸고 써보고 싶기도 해서요...
부드러운 베이지색 인테리어와 화이트 주방 2023.10.17해당카페글 미리보기
in the storage cabinets add a bit more texture and depth to the setting. The bedroom is painted in a beige paint color with strong yellow undertones, resulting in a sunny and playful bedroom color palette. 거실의 베이지색 벽은 가벼운...
초콜렛, 라떼를 연상시키는 편안한 컬러-모카무스 2024.12.12해당카페글 미리보기
웰니스(건강과 행복)를 돋우는 2025년이 되시길 바랍니다. 벨리타|Belita - Green in color 아델라|Adela - Beige in color 루나 | Luna - Land Brown & 스윙체어 | Swing chair - Yellow in color 베키|Becky - Sky & 루나 | Luna - Sweet...
★★★ 색상표 2024.12.07해당카페글 미리보기
0 Yellow 255 255 0 #FFFF00 Gold 255 215 0 #FFD700 LightGoldenrod 238 221 130 #EEDD82 goldenrod 218 165 32 #DAA520 DarkGoldenrod 184 134 11 #B8860B RosyBrown 188 143 143 #BC8F8F IndianRed 205 92 92 #CD5C5C SaddleBrown 139 69 19 #8B4513...