카페검색 본문
테이블글 본문
4)You've gone too far. 2024.02.05
니가 너무 심했어, 도가 지나쳤어. 출처 : 유튜브 의미와 재미 https://youtube.com/shorts/bAG4L7hQ3W0?si=2FFq8nWa92_gdOQJ
To bts members 2024.11.11
You for Every Moment, Every Song, Every Word Thank you for always being there. Thank you for giving us strength, energy, and for never giving up on your dreams, which inspires us to work on ours too. Thank you for every laugh, every tear...
뉴진스 혜인, '파란색 버니즈'가 '민주당' 지지?...정치색 논란에 삭제 엔딩 [종합] 2024.10.17
테디베어, 그리고 팬덤을 상징하는 토끼 이모티콘을 넣어 응원했다. 다니엘 역시 같은 날 오전, "우리 멋진 팜 언니~! You've Got This!!! 팜팅~~!!!!♥♥"이라는 메시지로 하니에게 애정 어린 지지를 보냈다. 사진= TV리포트 DB, 온라인 커뮤니티 캡처...
센느강에서 국기 흔들다 결혼반지 빠트린 이탈리아 국가대표 2024.08.01
so they will always be together. And it will give us an extra reason to renew our vows and marry again, just like you've always asked. I love you, my love. May this be a good omen for coming home with an even bigger gold medal!" 대충...
Crownfall Act III and Collector's Cache 2024.07.12
comes with the Crownfall Collector's Cache, featuring 16 of the highest-rated sets from the last community vote. If you've been playing through Crownfall as each act releases and want to jump right in to the new Act III content, you can...
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (2) : 301~600 2024.03.25
come often. 360. 이제야 제 말을 알아듣는군요. Now you know where I'm coming from. 361. 참 많은 일을 겪으셨네요. You've come a long way. 362. 부디 참석하셔서 자리를 빛내 주세요. Please come and give life to the event. 363. 형제 중 몇 번째...
한 줄 수다 2023.08.03
당신이 키워진 틀에서 벗어나지 못하면, 당신은 세상이 얼마나 더 큰지 이해하지 못할 것이다. If you don’t get out of the box you’ve been raised in, you won’t understand how much bigger the world is. -안젤리나 졸리-
Papercut - Linkin Park (2000/10/24) 2023.06.26
face in me 내 내면에 또 다른 얼굴이 있다는 걸 알아 Points out all my mistakes to me 내가 저지른 모든 실수들을 지적하는... You've got a face on the inside too 네 안에도 또 하나의 얼굴이 있을거야 and 그리고 Your paranoia's probably worse...
Wannabe - Spice Girls (1996/06/26) 2023.06.26
get with my friends) Make it last forever, friendship never ends If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give (You've got to give) Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is So here's a story from A to Z You wanna get with me, you...