카페검색 본문
테이블글 본문
Don't Kill My Vibe - Sigrid (2017/05/10) 2023.06.23
oh ooh ooh Don't break my stride I tried to play it nice but You think you're so important to me, don't you But I wanted...don't care I won't quit no no no ho Say I'm young I don't care I won't quit no no no ho And oh oh oh oh You're...
준이 🐨 2025.02.24
남준아, Have a good day and stay healthy 그리고 take care of yourself for ARMY and for you your health comes first we are here for you 그리고 we still waiting for you don't forget that 💜🩷🤍🫂💐
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (2) : 301~600 2024.03.25
있는 거죠. Money comes and goes. 341. 될 대로 되라지. I don't care how it comes to an end. 342. 뚜껑을 열어봐야 알죠. We...You're coming out! 348. 사돈 남 말하네. You guys come from the same batch. 349. 실밥이 터졌어요. The seam...
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (1) : 1~300 2024.03.25
Calm your nerves. 287. 당신은 작년에 해고당했어요. You were canned last year. 288. 그는 틀림없이 당신을 그리 좋아하지...Who cares! 291. 저는 그런 것에 신경 쓰지 않아요. I don't care about them. 292. 특별히 좋아하는 음식이라도 있나요? Do...
📚트렌드 코리아 2024 키워드가 벌써 나왔다네여 2023.10.06
1. 분초사회 (Don't Waset a Single Second: Time-Efficient Society) : 2. 호모 프롬프트 (Rise of 'Homo Promptus') 3...Liqudipolitan) 10. 돌봄경제 (Supporting One Another: 'Care-based Economy) https://v.daum.net/v/20231005143530149 김난도...