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"You reap what you sow."주제: "뿌린대로 거두리라." -1 2023.06.30해당카페글 미리보기
SUBJECT: "You reap what you sow." 주제: "뿌린대로 거두리라." There are unchanging principle and law for everything whether it is in nature or in human affairs. 자연이든 인간사든 어디에나 통하는 불변의 원칙과 법칙이 있습니다. It is that...
You Got to Reap What You Sow - Mance Lipscomb - 2023.11.03해당카페글 미리보기
지 2년 후인 1976년 텍사스 주 나바소타에서 사망했습니다. 그는 Navasota의 Oakland Cemetery에 묻혔습니다. You Got to Reap What You Sow - Mance Lipscomb - Honey, after all I did for you You told me baby, that you were through You got to reap...
you reap what you sow, 뿌린 대로 거둔다 2009.04.17해당카페글 미리보기
Good morning! Today's English expression is: you reap what you sow. You reap what you sow means if you do bad things to people, bad things will happen to you and vice versa (also the other way around-do good things and good things will...
You reap what you sow ! 2009.08.27해당카페글 미리보기
You reap what you sow ! KIJOON : I can't believe this ! My girlfriend dumped me. SOO : Your girlfriend did the right thing. You deserve it. You went on so many blind dates while you were dating her. You cheated on her. You know what? You...
You reap what you sow! 2008.09.13해당카페글 미리보기
You reap what you sow! 뿌린 대로 거두는 거야. Dialogue A : I can't believe this! My boyfriend dumped me. B : You deserve it. You went on so many blind dates while you were dating him. You know what? You reap what you sow! 해석 A : 말도...
2011년 12월 12일 You reap what you sow. 2011.12.12해당카페글 미리보기
명심보감의 첫 구절에도 「선을 행한 자는 복으로 보상받고,선을 행치 않은 자는 화를 받는다」고 가르치고 있다. 'You reap what you sow'라는 말이 있다. 「뿌린대로 거둔다」는 뜻을 가진 말이다. A: What are you doing? I guess you're sowing some...
You reap what you sow 뿌린 대로 거두는 법이야 2009.05.01해당카페글 미리보기
You reap what you sow 뿌린 대로 거두는 법이야 A: I can't believe Steve was fired. B: He was always late for work and was always missing the deadline. A: But still, don't you think it's a little harsh? B: You know what they say : you reap...
[2월09일(월)] EBS 운이트이는 영어 방송자료 정리 ; You reap what you sow. 2009.02.09해당카페글 미리보기
Chris, you trust people too easily and sometimes that can work against you. As far as Shane is concerned, you reap what you sow. Translation 은혜: 안녕하세요, 크리스 대리님. 좋은 소식 있어요. 크리스: 안녕하세요, 은혜 씨 무슨일이에요...
(월요속담)You reap what you sow 2002.06.17해당카페글 미리보기
(월요속담)You reap what you sow reap:베다. 거두다. sow:saw의 과거. 이 속담은 심은대로 거두리라 라는 성경말씀과 비슷한 속담이다.
you reap what you sow... 2001.12.06해당카페글 미리보기
but the crimes and general negativity perpetrated by these so called "christians" are the greatest factors. Thank you and have a good day. --------------------- [원본 메세지] --------------------- 솔직히 생각해볼것이... 기독교가 지금만큼...